Search Snapshot for Common Core of Data: Highest and lowest grades offered; number of schools; total classroom teachers; total students; English language learners; IEP students; and total diploma recipients. Data available from 2005 onward.
Search Profiles and Comparisions for multiyear (2000 to most recent American Community Survey) school district demographic characteristics.
Annual report for each school in the district; looks to "benchmark a school’s performance against other peer schools that are educating similar students, against statewide outcomes, and against state targets to illuminate and build upon a school’s strengths and identify areas for improvement." Mandated by the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) signed by President Obama on December 15, 2015.
Ruth Moscovitch, et al. Institute on Education Law and Policy, Rutgers - Newark. 2010? The Institute "studied innovative models of public school governance in nine cities: Baltimore, Boston, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Hartford, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C...By way of comparison to the nine cities in this report, we review the governance structure in New Jersey particularly as it applies to Jersey City, Paterson and Newark.."