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The Newark Experience

New Jersey Center for the Performing Arts

Newark Symphony Hall

Symphony Hall Home

Built in 1925, Newark's Symphony Hall is "New Jersey’s oldest and largest showcase for the arts, education and entertainment programming."

Symphony Hall Memories Project. Compilation of personal experiences that current and former Newarkers and New Jerseyans have had at Newark Symphony Hall.

The Arts

Fostering Art and Cultural Entrepreneurship in Underserved Communities: A Case of Newark, NJ
Quigfang Wang and Lyneir Richardson. Journal of Planning Education and Research 44(2), June 2024, pp. 909-922
"This study investigates the factors that enable or constrain art and cultural entrepreneurship (ACE) in Newark, NJ. The findings suggest that a sense of place and the social identities of diverse business owners significantly impact the process of launching and operating creative businesses... The study also highlights universities’ role in the regional entrepreneurship ecosystem in promoting ACIs." Rutgers-restricted Access
The State of the Arts in Newark.
Jack Tamburri. September 2001.
Grand Amateur Concert! At the First Baptist Church, Newark N.J. on Wednesday Evening, May 21st, 1862
Broadside with program.
Swing City : Newark Nightlife, 1925-50.
Barbara J. Kukla. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1991.
Discusses Newark as a center for African American music and entertainment in the the first half of the 20th century. Based on interviews with musicians, singers, dancers, comedians, bartenders, waitresses and nightclub owners and their families. Available? 2002 Available?