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The Newark Experience

Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and its Predecessors

Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry/New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry/College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

The Essex College of Medicine & Surgery: The Long Gestation, Troubled Life, and Early Death of New Jersey's First Medical School
Sandra W. Moss. 2022. Available?
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey: History & Timeline
Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry, 1946-1965
Guide to the records in the University of Medicine and Dentistry Special Collections. The Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry was purchased by the state in 1965 and became the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry.
Report of the Seton Hall Fact-Finding Committee: Appointed by the Study and Report Conclusions on the Problem of the Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry.
New Jersey, The Committee, 1964. Available?
New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry, 1954-1975, 1995
Guide to the records collection in UMDNJ Special Collections
Robert R. Cadmus, MD (1914-1995) Papers, 1966-1971
Finding aid to the collection in the Rutgers History of Medicine collection. Cadmus was President of the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry from 1966 to 1971. "The collection contains materials on Dr. Cadmus and his direct contact with and operation of the college...The collection is strongest in the areas of speeches made by Dr. Cadmus (23 total) and newspaper clippings. The speeches reflect Dr. Cadmus' "Thrust" while at Newark. The newspaper clippings are extensive, covering topics dealing with nearly every aspect of the College's history during the five years of his presidency...Of interest are two cassettes of recorded radio and television broadcasts concerning the College during the crucial period surrounding the selection of the Newark site."
Newark College of Medicine and Dentistry
November 1967 map of Central Ward neighborhoods to be demolished for construction of the medical school. NPL Digital Collection
New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry. Site Hearings Concerning the Newark Campus
Transcripts of hearings, February - March,1968.
Agreements Reached Between Community and Government Negotiators Regarding New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry and Related Matters (As Amended)
April 30, 1968.
"Newark: Negroes Demand and Get Voice in Medical School Plans,"
Luther J. Carter. Science ns160 (3825), April 19, 1968, pp.290-292. Rutgers-restricted Access
"Newark: Community or Chaos: A Case Study of the Medical School Controversy,"
Leonard J. Duhl and Nancy Jo Steetle. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 5(4), 1969, pp. 537-572.
"This paper is an attempt to record the events and decisions surrounding the creation of the Medical College in Newark out of the seeds of the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry." Available?
"'No Med School!' Black Resistance to The New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry (NJCMD) Urban Renewal Proposal, Between 1960 and 1970"
Edad Mercier. Journal of Ethnic an Cultural Studies 7(3), August 14, 2020, pp.48-62.
"This article is a historiographical study of urban renewal in Newark, New Jersey. The paper offers a cross-sectional view of policymaking and appropriation at the federal and local levels, which is critical when analyzing the delimitations of ethnic coalition building. The article centers on a typological study of Black resistance to the New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry (NJCMD) construction project that was slated to commence around 1965-1966."
Broken Promises to the People of Newark: A Historical Review of the Newark Uprising, the Newark Agreements, and Rutgers New Jersey Medical School’s Commitments to Newark
Rosy C. Franklin et al. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(4), February 2, 2021, pp. 1-15.
"The objective of this essay is to briefly describe the relationship between organized medicine, state and local leaders, and the people of Newark."
Uprooted: How Newark Acquired a Medical School and Destroyed a Neighborhood
2021. Includes an interactive map tracking the displacement of the residents of University Heights over two phases of emigration, 1955-1964, and 1964-1972. Includes names of displaced residents. From the Newest Americans project.
"Comment on the Preceding Article: A View From the Other Side of the Aisle,"
Robert R. Cadmus. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 5(4), 1969, pp.573-584. Available?
"Rebuttal of the Cadmus Comment: Epilogue,"
Leonard J. Duhl. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 5(4), 1969, pp.584-588. Available?
"The Community and Medical Education: Organization and Function of a Board of Concerned Citizens,"
Carroll M. Leevy, Earl Phillips, and Stanley S. Bergen. Annals of Internal Medicine 82(6), June 1975, pp. 832-837. Rutgers-restricted Access
"Continued Controversy: The Rutgers Medical School and the Library of Science and Medicine,"
Roberta Tipton. The Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries 45(1), June 1983, pp.1-24.
"New Jersey Medical School's Unique Relationship to Its Community,"
Matthew G. Marin. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 13(1), February 2002, pp.81-94. Rutgers-restricted Access