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The Newark Experience

State Control of Newark Schools

Joint Statement from Governor Chris Christie and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka Regarding Newark Public Schools
Announcement of the plan to return Newark schools to local control. June 26, 2015
22 Years of State Control Over Newark Schools: A Timeline
New Jersey State Department of Education Monitoring, Intervention, and Takeover Practices in the Newark, Trenton, and Jersey City Public School Districts
Randy Pratt. Ed.D. Thesis, Seton Hall University, 1992. Available?
Committee Meeting of Joint Committee on the Public Schools: Commissioner of Education, Dr. Leo Klagholz and Newark State District Superintendent, Dr. Beverly Hall will Present the District's Strategic Plan
New Jersey. Legislature. Joint Committee on the Public Schools. Trenton, N.J., December 16, 1996. Available?
Committee Meeting of Joint Committee on the Public Schools: Testimony on the State Operation of the Newark Public Schools
New Jersey. Legislature. Joint Committee on the Public Schools.
February 5, 1997: Available?
March 5, 1997: Available?
Committee Meeting of Joint Committee on the Public Schools: Testimony from Commissioner William L. Librera on the Status of the Three State-Run Districts.
New Jersey. Legislature. Joint Committee on the Public Schools. April 17, 2003. Available?
Myths and Realities: The Impact of the State Takeover on Students and Schools in Newark.
William M. Eglinton. Boston Mass., Community Training and Assistance Center, c.2000.
Data and perceptions on school and district operations, community engagement, and student performance five years after the State takeover of Newark city schools.
"Regime Theory, State Government, and a Takeover of Urban Education,"
Peter Burns. Journal of Urban Affairs 25(3), July 2003, 285-303.
Examines the state takeover of Newark schools. "The Newark case illustrates how politics and structural conditions motivated state government to change the nature of the education regime and directly shape education policy at the local level." Rutgers-restricted Access
Takeover: Race, Education, and American Democracy.
Domingo Morel. New York, Oxford University Press, 2018.
"Offers the first systematic study of state takeovers of local governments by focusing on takeovers of local school districts...The book is built around an original study of nearly 1000 school districts, including every school district that has been taken over by their respective state, and a powerful case study of Newark, New Jersey" Available?
"The Effects of Centralized Government Authority on Black and Latino Political Empowerment"
Domingo Morel. Political Research Quarterly 69(2), June 2016, pp. 347-360.
"To assess the effects of centralized government on political empowerment among racial minorities, this article examines how state takeovers of local school districts have affected black and Latino descriptive representation on local school boards. Using an original dataset of state takeovers of local school districts from 1989 to 2013, as well as case study analysis of Newark, New Jersey, this article shows that centralization affects communities differently according to the level of political empowerment they have at the time of centralization." Rutgers-restricted Access