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The Newark Experience

Newark During the War

Newark Defense Council Reports (1940-1941)
In the collection of the Newark Archives and Records Management Center. More...
"To the Citizens of Newark"
December 10, 1941 letter from Mayor Vincent J. Murphy on behalf of the Newark Defense Council.
Battle Stations! : The Homefront World War II.
Nan Heacock. Ames : Iowa State University Press, 1992.
One woman's experience working in a Newark shipyard during World War II. Available?
Migrant War Workers in Newark
Housing Authority of the City of Newark. Newark, 1944. Available?
To Secure These Rights : A Study of the Political Concerns and Development of the Black Community in Newark, New Jersey, During the Second World War, 1941-1945
William C. Martucci. Thesis (B.A.), Rutgers University, 1974.
A Henry Rutgers thesis. Available?
Minutes from the October 28, 1949 Displaced Persons Committee meeting in Newark.
New Jersey Welfare Council. Displaced Persons Committee.

Nazis in Newark

Nazis in Newark
Warren Grover. New Brunswick, N.J. Transaction Publishers, c2003.
The Minutemen, a group of boxers and bodyguards from Newark's Third Ward Gang, and the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, led by physician S. William Kalb, led the opposition to Nazi activities and recruitment efforts in Newark between 1933 and 1941. Available?
The Fight Against Nazis in Newark
Jill Hershorin. Archival Outlook January/February 2023, pp. 8-9.
The Jewish History Society of MetroWest has digitized the papers of Warren Grover.
Newark's Nazi Spy: Pastor Carl Krepper
Rev. Dr. J. Francis Watson. Newark History Society program, January 25, 2010.

Living with War

Training High School Boys to Identify Planes
5 photos. Weequahic High School basic aviation class.
Empty Collapsible Tubes: A Tin Mine for War Industry
14 photos. Salvaging tin from empty metal tubes.
Women Workers at the Federal Shipyard, Newark, 1943
Molly Pitcher Brigade Holds Drill
Photo. 1940. Women of the newly formed Molly Pitcher Brigade march in their first uniformed drill.