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The Newark Experience

Drinking Water Crisis

The Lead and Copper Rule: Limitations and Lessons Learned from Newark, New Jersey
Sean A. Stratton, Adrienne S. Ettinger, Cathleen L. Doherty and Brian T. Buckley. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Water 10(1), January 2023, Article e1620.
"LCR testing requirements were evaluated for their ability to predict or identify problems from the recent (2015–2019) Newark lead exceedance data."
Lead in Drinking Water and Birth Outcomes: A Tale of Two Water Treatment Plants
Dhaval M. Dave and Muzhe Yang. Journal of Health Economics 84, 2022, 102644
"In this study, we leverage a unique natural experiment provided by the 2016 water crisis in Newark, in order to identify the causal effect of prenatal exposure to lead-contaminated drinking water on fetal health." Rutgers-restricted Access
Lead Particle Size Fractionation and Identification in Newark, New Jersey's Drinking Water
Darren A. Lytle et al. Environmental Science & Technology 54, 2020, pp. 13672-13679. Rutgers-restricted Access
Floods and Fountains: Water Politics and Black Ecologies in Newark, NJ
Kessie Alexandre. (Ph.D. Thesis) Princeton University, 2020.
"Keyed to the compounded realities of chronic flooding, tap water contamination, and waterway pollution in the city of Newark, NJ, “Floods and Fountains” is an ethnography of urban water insecurity and infrastructure disrepair, which examines how water and water management shape political, social, and ecological relations over time. As the burdens of water insecurity disproportionately fall on Black communities, “Floods and Fountains” specifically considers how Black Newarkers contend with water toxicity in the contemporary moment in light of their broader struggles for environmental justice in the city, which date back to the late 1960s."
Racialized Politics of Drinking Water Chemistry: The Case of Newark's Lead Crisis
Jesse Fried. (M.S. Thesis), Florida State University, 2023.
"Newark, New Jersey’s drinking water lead crisis is the latest in a series of such crises in Black majority cities with harmful effects on public health...I designed a mixed-methods study, conducting 24 semi-structured interviews with community organizers, water professionals, local officials, and regulatory officials, and obtaining, analyzing and visualizing water quality and watershed data about Newark’s drinking water resources." Rutgers-restricted Access
Newark Drinking Water Crisis
NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) site. Includes a timeline with links to data, correspondence, reports, and other informaton relating to the litigation.
Newark Annual Water Quality Reports
City of Newark's Lead Service Line Replacement Program
Actions that Newark is undertaking to reduce or eliminate lead in drinking water.
City of Newark Point-of-Use Filter Study August - September 2019
CDM Smith, November 19, 2019
EPA in New Jersey: Newark Drinking Water
Following the Newark, NJ Drinking Water Lead Crisis
Morgan Clauser. Gettysburg Social Sciences Review 3(2), 2019.