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The Newark Experience

The City and the Community

The Fixers: Devolution, Development, and Civil Society in Newark, 1960-1990
Julia Rabig. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2016
"Understanding how some individuals and organizations in the complex and vibrant landscape of 1960s activism came to act as fixers illuminates two intertwined developments that shaped twentieth-century US history: the uneven political incorporation of black Americans and the evolution of the urban crisis...To understand why fixers emerged in the late 1960s and what distinguishes them, we must first understand the problems they promised to address, problems that Newark shared with many other cities around the country but that were also exacerbated by New Jersey’s particular history of localism and suburban expansion." Available?
Broken Deal: Devolution, Development and Civil Society in Newark, New Jersey, 1960-1990. Rutgers-restricted access
Julia Rabig. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 2007.
"This dissertation explores the enduring conflicts over race, federalism, and local self-determination in postwar U.S. cities through the experience of Newark, New Jersey...Newark's residents and their suburban neighbors mounted imaginative challenges to the city's decline, many of which resonated nationally among policymakers and residents of similarly distressed cities." Available?
Barriers to Establishing Urban Ombudsmen: The Case of Newark.
William B. Gwyn. Berkeley, University of California Institute of Governmental Studies, 1974. Available?
Community Coordination and Context: A Black Politics Perspective on Voter Mobilization Rutgers-restricted access
Andra Nicole Gillespie. Thesis (Ph.D), Yale University, 2005.
Analyzes voter mobilization campaigns in Newark, Detroit, and Atlanta. Available?
"Making Something Out of Almost Nothing: Social Capital Development in Newark, New Jersey's Enterprise Community,"
Daniel M. Schulgasser. National Civic Review 88(4), Winter 1999, 341-50.
In December 1994 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated Newark as an Enterprise Community (EC). Study assesses "the degree to which the development of networks of civic engagement in Newark has been augmented by the EC program." Rutgers-restricted Access
The Fire This Time: Development Conflict in Rebuilding Newark, New Jersey.
Jason Reich Stevenson. Thesis (B.A.), Harvard College, 2000.
Examines the controversies surrounding recent economic development projects in Newark and the subsequent breakdown in relations between City Hall and community groups. Focuses on a proposal to build a sports arena on top of what is currently a residential neighborhood.
"Arena Politics in Newark,"
Jason Reich Stevenson. Shelterforce May/June 2004.
Another sports arena controversy.
Urban Revitalization and Participatory Governance: A Discursive Analysis of Policy Deliberation in Newark.
Navdeep Mathur. Ph.D. Thesis, Rutgers University, Newark, 2005.
"This study situates the Newark experience within a competing set of policy discourses i.e. policy institutions, developmental processes and political practices to analyze how powerful public and private actors play a dominant role in this 'Revitalization', while effectively excluding the voices and involvement of communities of residents impacted by it." Rutgers-restricted Access
"Does Racial Segregation Make Community-based Organizations More Territorial? Evidence from Newark, NJ, and Jersey City, NJ"
Joseph Gibbons. Journal of Urban Affairs 37(5), December 2015, pp. 600-619.
"After interviewing 40 CBO staffers in Newark, NJ, and Jersey City, NJ, I identify three paths through which the condition of high segregation in a city leads to territorial CBOs." Rutgers-restricted Access
The Political Spaces of Black Women in the City: Identity, Agency, and the Flow of Social Capital in Newark, NJ.
Kellie Darice Wilson. Ph.D. Thesis, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 2007.
"This project explores U.S. Black women's participation in social networks that enable political mobilizations in Newark, NJ." Available?
Extension Into New Jersey's Urban Core
Jeremiah D. Bergstrom (M.L.A. Thesis), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2017.
"In Camden and Newark, New Jersey, recent efforts to address environmental issues through a collaborative process provide insight into new ways for universities to work with diverse urban constituencies. Cooperative Extension's experience in these two communities is being evaluated to form a proposal for an alternative model for future Cooperative Extension Service work and university efforts in urban communities."
Garbage Governmentalities and Environmental Justice in New Jersey
Raysa Martinez Kruger. (Ph.D. Thesis) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2017.
" Using the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark and Essex County as a case study area, this dissertation examines how conditions of environmental injustice in the Ironbound are produced and perpetuated by the collective enactment of our governmental approaches to the problem of increasing garbage production in New Jersey since the 1870s. The garbage flow control policy New Jersey implemented in the 1970s is a focus point in this analysis, but this dissertation contextualizes the incinerator location strategy within the history and geography of garbage governmental management in the state."

Steve Adubato Sr. and the North Ward

Casciano, Rebecca. "By Any Means Necessary": The American Welfare State and Machine Politics in Newark's North Ward. Rutgers-restricted access Thesis (Ph.D), Princeton University, 2009.
Focuses on Steve Adubato Sr's North Ward Center and the North Ward Democratic Party as a "machine-CBO [Community-Based Organization]", "an institution that combines, in varying degrees, elements of machine politics and nonprofit social service provision." Available?
Wilkes, Marjorie D. The Development and Significance of a Political Role for Community-Based Organizations: Theory and Practice in Newark, New Jersey. Senior Thesis. Princeton University, 1984.
Not in the Rutgers Libraries
Santora, Joseph C. An Historical Case Study of Community Interorganizational Alliances in Newark, New Jersey Rutgers-restricted access Thesis (Ed.D), Fordham University, 1981.
Analyzes the interactions between two Newark grass-roots community organizations, the North Ward Educational and Cultural Center and the LEAGUERS.
Caucus Up Close with Stephen N. Adubato, Sr.
Caucus Educational Corporaton. Available?