A project of the Ironbound Community Corporation of Newark, the IEJHRC is housed at the Van Buren Branch of the Newark Public Library (140 Van Buren Street) and is open to the public.
Raysa Martinez Kruger. (Ph.D. Thesis) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2017. "Using the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark and Essex County as a case study area, this dissertation examines how conditions of environmental injustice in the Ironbound are produced and perpetuated by the collective enactment of our governmental approaches to the problem of increasing garbage production in New Jersey since the 1870s."
Gabriela Dory, et al. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being 12(1), January 2017, pp. 1-10.
"This study applies a descriptive phenomenological method to explore and describe the emotional experience of residents living in Ironbound, a known EJ community located in Newark, New Jersey." Rutgers-restricted Access
Matthew B. Immergut and Laurel Kearns. Journal for the Study of Religion Nature and Culture 6, 2012, 176-195.
"We specifically examine a range of strategies and campaigns by religious actors, and their non-religious partners, to fight the overwhelming toxicity and neglect of one neighborhood in the city—the Ironbound. We also consider some of the reasons in this particular context for a lack of engagement by religious groups and the difficulties faced by immigrant populations in addressing environmental problems."
"The Ironbound district in Newark, NJ, is one of the most toxic neighborhoods in America. Maria López-Nuñez and her colleagues are waging a war for environmental justice, fighting to prevent surrounding factories from obtaining "permits to pollute." Working in collaboration with her community and local politicians for the right to breathe clean air, their efforts recently paid off in a groundbreaking new law to protect the state's most vulnerable communities from polluters." Rutger-restricted Access