Louis P. Tremante. Thesis (Ph.D), Iowa State University, 2000.
Focuses on "how rapid urban expansion influenced agriculture and farm life in sixteen counties surrounding and including Manhattan Island. Available?
Roots of the American Working Class: The Industrialization of Crafts in Newark, 1800-1860
Susan E. Hirsch. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1978.
Looks at "the interrelationship of industrialization with class, culture and social status" in Newark in the first half of the nineteenth century. The basic work on the industrial history of Newark. Available?
Charles Stephenson. IN New Jersey's Ethnic Heritage: Papers Presented at the Eight Annual New Jersey History Symposium, December 4, 1976. Edited by Paul A. Stellhorn. Trenton, New Jersey Historical Commission, 1978, pp.94-132.
'The Overturnings in the Earth’: Fireman and Evangelicals in Newark's Law-and-Order Crisis of the 1850s
Joel Schwartz. IN Cities of the Garden State: Essays in the Urban and Suburban History of New Jersey. Edited by Joel Schwartz and Daniel Prosser. Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1977. Available?
Augustine J. Curley. New Jersey History 127(1), 2012, 27 pp.
"The appointment of the first Roman Catholic bishop of Newark in 1853 led to ferocious criticism from the city’s newspapers, street preachers, and visiting Catholic dissidents. The visceral anti-Catholic, anti-Vatican rhetoric in Newark foreshadowed the Know Nothing movement’s successes in 1854, the high tide of antebellum nativism in the northeast."