"Report and actuality of a night of race rioting in Newark, New Jersey in July 1967. Produced by Mike Hodel from tapes recorded in Newark by Robert Ortiz and Ronnie Watkins." KPFA Radio, Berkeley, Calif.
Finding Aid to a collection in the Monsignor Field Archives & Special Collection Center, Seton Hall University. "[P]hotocopied newspaper and journal articles on the riots and their aftermath, as well as reactions in Newark, NJ to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr...Publications represented include the Star-Ledger, the New York Times, the Daily News, Time magazine, Life magazine, Newsweek, the Newark Evening News, and the Advocate, a Catholic newspaper."
Urban Ghetto Riots, 1965-1968: A Comparison of Soviet and American Press Coverage.
Ann Kathleen Johnson. Thesis (Ph.D), University of Denver, 1994. Chapter 5 (pp. 178-253) examines coverage of the 1967 Newark and Detroit riots by theNew York Times, the Washington Post, the Newark Star Ledger, and the Detroit Free Press; Chapter 6 (pp. 254-300) examines the coverage of those riots by Pravda and Izvestiia. Available?