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The Newark Experience


Remembering Newark's Greeks: An American Odyssey
Angelique Lampros. Virginia Beach, VA., Donning Co. Publishers, 2006. Available?
Greek Language Maintenance in the Newark Greek Community in New Jersey.
Denise Chrisoula Lagos. Thesis (Ed.D), Rutgers University, 1987. Available?
The Greek American Community of Essex County, New Jersey
John Antonakos. Bloomington, Ind., AuthorHouse, 2010. Available?


A Newarki hirlap emlekkonyve
1942. Available?
Newarki hirlap = Newark journal
Newark, N.J., Paul 'Acs Available?


"Poles Strengthened Newark's Cultural and Industrial Traditions." Charles F. Cummings. Newark Star-Ledger, August 12, 1999, p. 3.

PAF 1960 Convention, Newark, New Jersey
Polish Falcons of America national convention.


Russian Immigrants Living in Newark During the Great Depression
Three interviews conducted as part of the New Jersey Ethnological Survey.

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