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The Newark Experience

Centinel of Freedom

The Ledger and Other Newark Newspapers


Full-image access to today's Star-Ledger as well as the paper going back to October 18, 2017, is available as part of the Access World News database. (Rutgers-restricted Access)

Full-text access to the Newark Star-Ledger is available from 1989 to the present as part of Access World News (Rutgers-restricted Access).

The Dana Library has the Newark Star-Ledger on microfilm going back to 1980; microfilm reels from August 1, 1945 to December 2003 are also available from the Rutgers Alexander Library in New Brunswick. The Newark Public Library also has the Star-Ledger in its entirely (1939 forward) as well as its predecessor, the Newark Star Eagle (1916-1939), available on microfilm.

Newark Star-Eagle
The Center for Research Libraries has digitized the issues from March 1930. Access is limited to faculty, students and staff from CRL member libraries. Rutgers is a CRL member.

While there is no complete printed or online index to the pre-1989 Star-Ledger, the Charles F. Cummings New Jersey Information Center at the Newark Public Library has the card file Cummings Index to the Star-Ledger from 1971 to 1996, as well as locally compiled Newark News Indexes, 1916-1970. NPL's New Jersey Newspaper & Periodical Index currently includes the Cummings Index to the Star-Ledger from 1971 to about mid-1979.

From the 1950's to the mid-1980's librarians at the New Jersey State Library clipped articles from several newspapers, including the Newark Star Ledger, on major topics. The news stories were assigned subject headings and filed in folders. These clippings are available for review at the New Jersey State Library in Trenton. See the detailed Subject Headings List for available files.

Newark Sunday Call

Scattered issues of the Newark Sunday Call, from June 1881 to November 1946, are available online as part of the no longer maintained Google News Archive collection. These issues are browsable but not searchable.

Historical New York Times

Historical New York Times
Allows you to search and display the full image of articles published in the New York Times back to 1851--Includes lots of articles relating to Newark. The three most recent years are not included; use Factiva to find more recent articles. Rutgers-restricted Access.