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The Newark Experience

Who Owns Newark?

Newark Dept. of Economic & Housing Development

Newark Zoning

Zoning Map
. With links to zoning descriptions.
Newark Zoning and Land Use Regulations
Newark Zoning Maps
1920, 1940, 1959, 1964, and 1972 Newark Zoning Maps
Appendix to the Revised Ordinances of the City of Newark, New Jersey, 1951: Chapter 36, Zoning, Adopted June 9, 1954, Effective July 1, 1954
Newark, N.J., Gann Law Books, 1954. Available?
Zoning Title 27: Revised Ordinances of the City of Newark, New Jersey 1966
Newark, NJ, City of Newark Central Planning Board, 1966. Available at NJIT
Zoning Title 27: Revised Ordinances of the City of Newark, New Jersey 1986
Newark, N.J., 1986. Available at NJIT
Report: Proposed Rezoning Study and Analysis of Assessment Data
Harry L. Hines. Newark, Division of City Planning, 1991. Available?

Inclusionary Zoning

The Starting Point: Structuring Newark's Land Use Laws at the Outset of Redevelopment to Promote Integration Without Displacement
Malina Welman. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 53(1), October 2019, pp. 43-87. "In 2017, New Jersey's largest municipality, Newark, made history when its city council passed an inclusionary zoning ordinance requiring, in part, that at least twenty percent of new residential projects be set aside for moderate- and low-income households."

Housing: From the 60s to the Present

Analysis of the Newark, New Jersey Housing Market as of May 1, 1965
Washington, D.C., Federal Housing Administration. 1965. Available?
Analysis of the Newark, New Jersey Housing Market as of February 1, 1969
Washington, D.C. Federal Housing Administration, June 1969.
Public Housing in Newark's Central Ward
A report by the New Jersey State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Washington, 1968. Available?
The Tenement Landlord
George Sternlieb. New Brunswick, N.J., Urban Studies Center, 1966. Available?
The War Zone: A Story of Christopher Columbus Homes, Newark, New Jersey Projects, War Stories, People Who Lived There
George Langston Cook. S.I.,, 2008. Available?
"Housing Vacancy Analysis,"
George Sternlieb and Bernard Indik. Land Economics 45(1), February 1969, 117-121.
Analysis of housing vacancies in Newark 1960-1967. Rutgers-restricted Access
Housing Costs and Housing Restraints: Newark, New Jersey.
Robert W. Burchell, James W. Hughes, and George Sternlieb. New Brunswick, N.J., Center for Urban Policy Research, 1970. Available?
Residential Abandonment: The Tenement Landlord Revisited.
George Sternlieb and Robert W. Hughes. New Brunswick, Center for Urban Policy Research, 1973. Available?
"Housing Abandonment in the Urban Core,"
George Sternlieb et. al. Journal of the American Institute of Planners 40(5), 1974, 321-332.
Examines the abandonment decisions of a sample of Newark landlords.Available?
Residential Mortgage Lending in the City of Newark, 1974-1975
Newark, N.J., Rutgers University. Office of Newark Studies. 1976. Available?
Race, Housing Value and Housing Abandonment: A Case Study of Newark Rutgers-restricted access
Franklin J. James. Thesis (Ph.D.), Columbia University, 1980. Available?
"Large-Scale Urban Riots and Residential Segregation: A Case Study of the 1960s U.S. Riots"
Noli Brazil. Demography 53(2), April 2016, 567-595.
Uses 1960s U.S. race riot data to investigate trends in black residential segregation levels following large-scale riot activity in seven major U.S. cities, including Newark. Rutgers-restricted Access
"Municipal Boundaries in a Discriminatory Housing Market: An Example of Racial Leapfrogging,"
Jonathan M. Rich. Urban Studies 21(1), February 1984, 31-40.
Examines a pattern of "leapfrogging" whereby Newark blacks moved into East Orange jumping over a more affluent neighborhood in the inner city in the process. Rutgers-restricted Access
Public Housing Master Plan Newark, N.J.
Newark, N.J., Newark Redevelopment and Housing Authority, December 1984.
Accessible Housing for Low-Income Tenants With Physical Disabilities Following the 1988 Fair Housing Act Amendments: Outcome and Processes in Four Cities: A Dissertation in Social Welfare Rutgers-restricted access
Meg Koppel. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 2006. Available?
"The Newark Tenant Rent Strike: Public Housing Policy and Black Municipal Governance,"
Laura Maslow-Armand. Patterns of Prejudice 20(4), 1986, 17-30.
Volume not owned by the Rutgers Libraries
"From Courts to Open Space to Streets: Changes in the Site Design of U.S. Public Housing,"
Karen A. Franck and Michael Mostoller. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 12, Autumn 1995, 186-220.
Based on a study of public housing in Newark, examines how the principles of public hoursing design have changed over the last 60 years.
City of Newark FY 1995 HUD Consolidated Plan
Includes sections on "Housing and Homeless Needs Assessment;" "Housing Market Analysis;" a "Strategic Plan;" and an "Action Plan."
"The Case of Newark, USA"
Mara S. Sidney. IN Understanding Slums: Case Studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements 2003. UN-Habitat, Development Planning Unit, 2003.
One of a "set of studies of slum conditions, policies and strategies...compiled in preparation for the United Nations Global Report on Human Settlements 2003 The Challenge of Slums."
The Box & Beyond: Urban Design for Infill Houses in Newark
Newark, Division of Planning and Community Development, January 2009.
"This booklet looks at the most plentiful type of private structure in Newark, the small multifamily house, and how it connects with the public spaces of the City." Part of a major rezoning project designed to improve the design quality of new dwellings that get built on the city’s 25’ to 50’ wide lots.
"Geographies of Mortgage Market Segmentation: The Case of Essex County, New Jersey,"
Kathe Newman and Elvin K. Wyly. Housing Studies 19(1), January 2004, 53-83.
Focusing on Newark and its surrounding suburbs, analyses the market penetration of subprime lending institutions, assesses the role of borrower characteristics, and analyses the patterns of mortgage 'pre-foreclosures.' Rutgers-restricted Access
Newark, Decline and Avoidance, Renaissance and Desire: From Disinvestment to Reinvestment,
Kathe Newman. Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science 594, July 2004, 34-48.
In the 1990s local governments came to recognize the importance of neighborhood revitalization for economic development. Looks at the dynamics of revitalization efforts in two of Newark s poorest neighborhoods, West Side Park and Brick Towers, and community efforts to save Brick Towers. Rutgers-restricted Access
Post-Industrial Widgets: Capital Flows and the Production of the Urban
Kathe Newman, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 33(2), 2009, pp. 314-331.
"I illustrate the impacts of national financial policy on urban places by examining mortgage foreclosures in Essex County, New Jersey and by talking with residents of one urban community in Newark, New Jersey." Rutgers-restricted Access
"The New Economy and the City: Foreclosures in Essex County, New Jersey."
Kathe Newman. IN Subprime Cities: The Polical Economy of Mortgage Markets. Manuel B. Aalbers. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp. 219-241. Rutgers-restricted Access
Shadowed by the Shadow Inventory: A Newark, New Jersey Case Study of Stalled Foreclosures & Their Consequences
Linda Fisher. Seton Hall Public Law Research Paper no. 2284481. June 24, 2013. "This empirical project tests the extent to which bank stalling has contributed to foreclosure delays and property vacancies in Newark, New Jersey."
Our Homes, Our Newark: Foreclosures, Toxic Mortgages, and Blight in the City of Newark
Christopher Niedt and Stephen McFarland. National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University, 2014[?].
Homes Beyond Reach: An Assessment & Gap Analysis of Newark's Affordable Rental Stock
Katharine L. Nelson and David D. Troutt. Newark, N.J., Rutgers Center on Law, Inequity and Metropolitan Equity (CLiME). February, 2021.
Affordability and gap analyses for Newark overall, as well as by wards and neighborhoods.
Newark Housing Goals
August 9, 2021. Five-year housing goals.


The Road Home: A Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness in Newark and Essex County (2010-2020) The Essex-Newark Task Force to End Homelessness. January 2010.
"To end homelessness, we will transform our homeless response system from one built upon a foundation of emergency and temporary housing to one built upon a foundation of prevention and permanent housing."
The New Homelessness in North America: Histories of Four Cities
Brendan Andrew O'Flaherty. Columbia University. Department of Economics Discussion Papers. 1992. A history of homelessness from around 1960 to around 1991 in Newark, New York, Chicago, and Toronto.


Towers of Frustration [Videorecording].
Washington, D.C., Public Television Library, 1971.
"Focuses on the Stella Wright housing project in Newark, N.J. Explores the problems confronting residents in many of the country's large, impersonal and crime-ridden public housing projects." Available?