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The Newark Experience

Essex County College

Essex County College

A Study of the Proposal to Establish and Operate A County College in Essex County
Trenton, N.J., A Report of the New Jersey State Commission of Education to the State Board of Education, February 1965.
Essex County College Cost Fact-Finding Committee. Final Report.
C. Malcolm Davis et al. Newark, Essex County Board of Freeholders. 1966.
Enrollment Profile and Grade Analysis for 1974-75 Freshman Class
Edison O. Jackson and Robert L. McMillan. 1977.
Student Characteristics Report, 1974-75
Edison O. Jackson and Robert L. McMillan. 1975.
Study of Attrition: Non-Returning Students for 1975-1976
Edison O. Jackson and Robert L. McMillan. 1976.
Comparative Case Study of Two New Jersey Public Predominantly Black Two-Year Colleges
Hugh Edward Young. Thesis (Ed.D.), Rutgers University, 1976.
Passaic County Community College and Essex County College. Available?
Report to the President and Trustees of Essex County College and the Chancellor of Higher Education, State of New Jersey
1977. "By a team of outside specialists appointed by the president and chancellor." Available?
"The Rescue of Essex County College,"
A. Zachary Yamba. College Board Review 123, Spring 1982, pp.8-11, 31-32. Available?
Essex County College: Dynamics of Governance--The Decision-Making Process of a Public Education Institution.
Edison O. Jackson. Thesis (Ed.D.), Rutgers University, 1983. Available?
A Comparison of the Opinions of Black and White County College Students Residing in Essex County of Essex County College Rutgers-restricted access
Maria E. Hubert Friscia. Thesis (Ed.D.), Rutgers University, 1986. Available?
Partnership Program, Essex County College
David A. Berry. 1989.
"The Partnership Program at Essex County College (ECC), in Newark, New Jersey, was a 3-year, intensive, college-high school faculty development project designed to coordinate curriculum and learning strategies in area feeder high schools with content and instructional methods used in introductory college courses."
An Examination of Engagement Patterns of Black Female Community College Students by Academic Division
Stephanie Falana. (Ed. D. Thesis). Stockton University, 2020.
"At Essex County College in Newark, New Jersey, enrollment data shows that Black female students dominated the undergraduate first-time, full-time students enrolled in 2018...The Essex County College’s 2018 Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) report was analyzed by benchmark to determine the extent to which these engagement indicators differ by race, gender, and declared majors among the majority population of Black female students." Rutgers-restricted Access