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The Newark Experience

Newark Fire Insurance Maps

Map of the City of Newark 1850
Fire insurance map of Newark in 1850, with all buildings outlined and all major property owners indicated with annotation. NPL Digital Collections.
Fire Insurance Map of Newark, N.J. [1868]
Newark, VanDuyne & Sherman, Civil Engineers & Surveyors, 1868. NPL Digital Collection.
Digital Sanborn Maps: New Jersey
Searchable by city and date. Extremely detailed, large scale plans of New Jersey cities and towns drawn at a scale of 50 feet to an inch. Includes the size, outline, and often the function, of each building. The maps also give street names, street and sidewalk widths, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers. Includes maps of Newark for 1892, 1908-09, 1926-1931, and 1926-1950. Rutgers-restricted Access
Princeton University Digitized Sanborn
Princeton has digitized its extensive Sanborn map collection. Includes maps of Newark for 1892, 1908, 1909, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1930, 1931 and the Newark Central Business District (CBD) for 1904.
Fire Insurance Maps from the Sanborn Map Company Archives : Late 19th century to 1990, New Jersey [microform]
Bethesda, MD : University Publications of America, c1992.24 microfilm reels
Detailed maps of 167 New Jersey cities and towns covering the period 1945-1991. These maps were not deposited with the Library of Congress and are not duplicated in the set above. Includes maps of Newark for 1968 (Reel 15), 1973 (Reels 14, 15, and 16), 1987 (Reel 15),
1988 (Reels 15 and 16), and 1989 (Reel 14).
Alex: Microfilm 2754