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The Newark Experience

The 1916 Celebration

"The 1916 Celebrations." Martin Minner. Presentation at Celebrations in Newark: 1916-2016. Newark History Society, October 19, 2015. [Begins at about the 15 minute mark] Available?

In Conjunction With the Anniversary....

Prizes For Posters Offered in Newark: Contest Announced for Celebration of 250th Anniversary of City's Settlement
New York Times article, August 15, 1915.
The Newark Posters Catalogue: Newark, New Jersey, Celebration of 250th Anniversary, 1916.
Newark, N.J., Committee of One Hundred. Newark, N.J., Essex Press, 1915.
Catalogue of the traveling exhibit resulting from the poster contest held in conjunction with the 250th anniversary. Includes an introductory essay on poster art and the selection rationale and artist descriptions of entries. Illustrated.
Posters Made for the 250th Anniversary Celebration
From the Old Newark site.
Newark 250th Anniversary Celebration Posters
Part of the finding aid for the poster collection at the New Jersey Historical Society
The Indian and the Puritan
Gustzon Borglum's sculpture created for the 250th anniversary. Wally Gobetz photo.
Stories of the Statues.
Newark Museum Association, 1913-1917.
#4 (1917): Bartolommeo Colleoni: A Statue by Verocchio. Includes information on the history of the copy in Newark's Clinton Park.

Ceremonies at the Unveiling of a Copy of the Colleoni Equestrian Statue by Verrocchio: Executed by J. Massey Rhind...Clinton Park, Newark, Wednesday Afternoon, July Twenty-Sixth, Nineteen Sixteen at Four O'Clock.
Newark, N.J., Committee of One Hundred, 1916. Available?