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The Newark Experience


Newark Community Development Corporations
Newark CDCs that have received support from the Greater Newark and Jersey City LISC. Directory, includes a mission statement.

Ironbound Community Corporation
La Casa de Don Pedro
New Community Corporation
Unified Vailsburg Services Organization

The Community Development Corporation

Community Organizing in Newark: From the Great Society to Today's Great Recession
Becky Doggett, Mike Farley, Joe Della Fave, and Ray Ocasio, panalists; moderated by Gerard Joab. Newark History Society, April 20, 2009.
"What's the Matter With Newark?,"
Julia Rabig. Shelterforce Fall 2008.
Traces the development of CDCs in Newark.
Stakeholder Perceptions on the Role of Community Development Corporations and Resident Participation
Tia Sheree Gaynor. Thesis (Ph.D.), Rutgers University, 2011.
"This study seeks to examine how community stakeholders perceive the role CDCs play in fostering resident participation in local government...Newark, NJ, at the time of this research, had 21 operating CDCs. The 8 CDCs chosen for this study embodied the landscape of all Newark-based CDCs. Therefore, the organizations selected represented the population of CDCs in Newark."
"Making Something Out of Almost Nothing: Social Capital Development in Newark, New Jersey's Enterprise Community,"
Daniel M. Schulgasser. National Civic Review 88(4), Winter 1999, 341-50.
In December 1994 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designated Newark as an Enterprise Community (EC). Study assesses "the degree to which the development of networks of civic engagement in Newark has been augmented by the EC program." Rutgers-restricted Access
The New Community Corporation

The Evolution of the CDC: Same Time, Different Path
Deborah E. Ward. Prepared for delivery at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2-September 5, 2004.
"This paper focuses on Newark, New Jersey, and on the emergence of a dominant and first generation CDC there: New Community Corporation (NCC). The paper considers how CDCs, and NCC in particular, are a vehicle for understanding the role of national, state and local politics in shaping new ideas about urban revitalization."
An Urban Community Development Model Rutgers-restricted access
William J. Linder. Thesis (Ph.D.), Fordham University, 1988.
"New Community, the object of this study, is located in Newark, New Jersey...It reflects a program that has brought about considerable change at the community level. One of the assumptions of New that while community development takes place at the micro level of society, there are factors at the macro level which contribute significantly to the outcome of any specific project; yet they often appear beyond the capacity to influence at the micro level. Three such factors are identified herein and are called "givens." They are racism, an anti-urban bias, and an anti-poor value orientation. These factors were accounted for in the emergence of the New Community program." Available?
Integrating Compassion and Pragmatism in a Successful Community Development Strategy: A Case Study of New Community Corp., Newark, N.J..
Carl Koechlin. Thesis (M.C.P.). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989.
Rebuilding Communities: Re-Creating Urban Excellence.
Jay Farbstein and Richard Wener. 1993 Rudy Bruner Award for Excellence in the Urban Environment. New York, N.Y., Bruner Foundation, 1993. Available?
"Tough Love Works in Newark,"
Sylvia Lewis. Planning 59(10), October 1993, 24-29.
The work of the New Community Corporation (NCC) and its director, Monsignor William Linder, in Newark. Rutgers-restricted Access
Flashy Downtown Revival Rests on Neighborhoods.
Neal R.Peirce. November 27, 2000
Suggests that downtown Newark's apparent comeback would probably not have succeeded without the NCC's work in the Central Ward.
Building Community: The Work of the New Community Corporation.
A Report Prepared by the Community Development Studio, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Spring 2002.
History, projects, and lessons learned.
Mapping the Future of Community Development: Examining the Impact of Newark's Tax Revaluation on New Community Corporation.
Prepared by the Community Development Studio, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Spring 2003.
Looks at the impact on the New Community Corporation, as well as on Newark property owners, resulting from the state-mandated revaluation of Newark's property base in 2003. Includes maps showing current NCC properties, as well as proposed future development sites.
"Assessments: New Life in Newark,"
Alan Ehrenhalt. July 2007