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Alumni Databases

Useful bibliographic databases that are available for use without subscription or institutional affiliation.

AMS eContent Search

AMS eContent Search
Advanced search interface to the American Mathematical Society's entire collection of online digital content. This includes books, journals, proceedings, and other published materials. 

Other Mathematics and Statistics Databases Mathematics
Browse or search the Mathematics portion of, the preprint repository of scientific articles in mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, and quantitative biology. 1992- .
Historical Math Monographs
Search or browse Cornell University's digitized collection of over 500 19th and early 20th century mathematics books.
Searchable archive of resources on historical mathematics and relevant biographies. 
Online database of reviews, abstracts, and bibliographic information for the Mathematical Sciences. Search for nearly 3 million items and 1.7 million direct link to original articles. 
MSRI Math Videos 
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute online database of instructional videos. 
University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
Search or browse an extensive collection of digitized 19th and early 20th century mathematics books selected from the University of Michigan collections.
Zentralblatt MATH - ZBMATH Online
More than 3 million bibliographic entries with reviews or abstracts drawn from more than 3500 journals and 1100 serials in all areas of pure and applied mathematics and the history of mathematics. 1826 - .