Index to the full text of UN parliamentary documents (resolutions and decisions from the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, and their subsidiary bodies). Also includes documents from global conference convened by the UN. Official resolutions and decisions back to 1946 are in the "Resolutions" database, available from the "Advanced Search" screen.
Political Science and International Relations Databases
Search five bibliographic databases simultaneously, or separately:
World Affairs Online, about 800.000 references, partly with links to fulltext documents, on scholarly literature about global and regional trends in foreign and security policy and in political, economic, social and cultural development worldwide.
Database ECONIS, of the ZBW - German National Library of Economics / Leibniz Information Centre for Economics lists more than 5,02 million title records for business studies, economics and practice-oriented economic literature.
The Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
LITDOK, which includes 190,000 bibliographic references focusing on developmental cooperation, developing countries and global economic development policy.
SciencesPo, the most comprehensive collection of social science literature in Europe, with about 800 000 publications including about 650 000 books and about 15 000 journals.
Search or browse a collection of about 200 primary documents that examine official British opinion towards the United States during WWII (1939-1945) within political, economic and cultural frames.
Search "Europe's most comprehensive research collection on development issues." Indexes over 80,000 monographs (books, research reports, working papers, etc.), over 1,000 journals, and over 10,000 magazines, newspapers, annual reports, and newsletters.
Search or browse official publications from all three branches of the U.S. Federal Government. Includes presidential documents, congressional committee prints, hearing transcripts, congressional reports, GAO reports, and many other publications.
"A reference database of literature on human rights." From the Institute for Human Rights at Åbo Akademi University in Finland.
Foreign Relations of the United States
U.S. Department of State. Washington, D.C., 1861- .
The 'official' documentary record of U.S. foreign policy. Correspondance, reports, and documents relating to U.S. diplomatic history, published with a delay of approximately 25 years. The most recent volumes (Kennedy - Carter) are available online. Pre-Kennedy section includes selected digitized volumes back to 1861.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Chicago Libraries have digitized a large portion of the first hundred years of the FRUS. Volumes can be browsed or searched.
The Homeland Security Digital Library is composed of homeland security related documents collected from a wide variety of sources. The non-subscription portion includes over 52000 U.S. Federal Government documents as well as academic theses from federal government institutions, and access to key U.S. policy documents, presidential directives, national strategy documents, major legislation, and executive orders.
Search a collection of over 3700 publications (working papers, research reports, policy memos, etc.) as well as articles, videos, and audio international relations and security-related materials.
Search citations to over 7,000 books and 30,000 articles from 160 periodicals dealing with the role, structure and working methods of national parliaments, and on electoral systems, constitutional law, history and political science. From the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the international organization of Parliaments.
Search or browse a collection of documents created and supported by a community of policing experts and made available to practioners. From the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
UN and other documents and publications indexed by the UN Dag Hammarskjold Library in New York and the UN Library in Geneva. Full coverage from 1979 but many older titles continue to be added. Many links to full-text documents.
Index with abstracts to books, articles and reports produced throughout the world on the subject of women in politics. From the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Search or browse about 10,000 publications, including World Bank published books, reports, working papers, economic and sector work studies, and journal articles--those published in World Bank serials as well as bank-authored content published by third-party publishers.
Regional Studies
For databases that focus on specific regions, see the Area Studies section of this guide.