Business Source Elite via JerseyClicks
Provides full text access to over 1,000 business publications dating back to 1985, as well as over 10,000 detailed company profiles from Datamonitor. Access restricted to New Jersey residents
Open access repository of full-text scholarly literature in agricultural and applied economics. Includes over 60,000 working and conference papers, as well as journal articles.
Index (with abstracts) to over 30,000 books, articles, reports, and non-print resources dealing with philanthropy, fundraising, charitable and corporate giving, nonprofit management, etc.
Provides references and online full-text documents covering topics such as foreign policy, foreign relations, politics, area studies, business, economics, environment, and environmental policy.
Index to articles, reports, papers, and monographs produced by the Federal Reserve research departments. Links to full text where available. Mid-1960s- .
The largest free Economics bibliographic database. Includes citations to over 511,000 working papers, over 833,000 articles, and almost 3000 software components. Links to over 450,000 downloadable papers and almost 770,000 articles.
Index to some 39,000 journal article citations in operations research from 1976 to 2001 [No longer updated]. From the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
Index to books, articles, reports, and journals available at the ILO Library in Geneva and several ILO libraries around the world. Referencs on all aspects of work and sustainable livelihoods and the work-related aspects of economic and social development, human rights and technological change.
The on-line catalogue of the Documentation centre of the European Trade Union Institute - ETUI. Labourline contains more than 55,000 references in both printed and electronic format related to the world of labour.
"MAAW represents an ongoing project to systematically categorize management and accounting literature from the past 100+ years. The site is open and freely accessible to anyone on the web and particularly useful to students, researchers, and practitioners interested in accounting."
Index to thousands of abstracts from Quality Progress, Quality Management Journal, Quality Engineering, Journal of Quality Technology, Software Quality Professional, Technometrics, Six Sigma Forum Magazine, Annual Quality Congress Proceedings, and the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Division Conference Proceedings.
Regional Business News via JerseyClicks Access restricted to New Jersey residents
Full text coverage of 80 regional business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the U.S.
Small Business Resource Center via JerseyClicks New Jersey Residents Only
Full text access to general and trade publications of interest to small business management, as well as hundreds of sample business plans.
"Some 10,000 citations from monographs, edited books, journal articles, working papers, brochures, reports and conference papers. The bulk of the citations address aspects of labor relations in Germany and Europe, but there is a substantial body of literature in the database covering issues of labor and globalization."
Search or browse nearly 2500 online reports and datasets from the economics agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture concerning U.S. and international agriculture and related topics.