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Alumni Databases

Useful bibliographic databases that are available for use without subscription or institutional affiliation.

Alcohol Studies Database

Alcohol Studies Database.
Index to over 80,000 citations to journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers indexed by the Rutgers University Center for Alcohol Studies since 1987. Emphasis on research and professional literature dealing with alcohol, its use, and related consequences.

Other Addictions Databases

CORK Database [archived]
Indexes journal articles, books, book chapters, reports, and conference papers about alcohol, other drugs, and behavioral addictions. Scope is interdisciplinary; includes information from the social sciences as well as the life sciences and clinical medicine. Most citations from 1970 to 2014 with some selected retrospective coverage.
ETOH Database [archived]
NIAAA archived database of addiction research from 1971-2003. 
The SALIS Collection: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
"The Salis Collection includes key seminal, full-text books, reports, documents, and other literature. Its subjects include both legal and illegal drugs, the use and misuse of chemicals, the role of education and prevention, physical health and mental health aspects, drug policy, legal issues, and more. It is international in its scope, and covers a wide number of disciplines."
Truth Tobacco Industry Documents
An archive containing more than 14 million documents (80+ million pages) created by major tobacco companies related to their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and scientific research activities. From the Library and Center for Knowledge Management of the University of California San Francisco.