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Alumni Databases

Useful bibliographic databases that are available for use without subscription or institutional affiliation.

FEMA Library

FEMA Documents and Resources Library

Online database of 7,448 FEMA documents, maps, media, and other resources. Collection covers a wide range of disaster related topics, including policy, management, emergency planning and preparedness, risk assessment, and insurance. 

Other Disaster Management Databases

All-Hazards Articles in the Scholarly Literature
Search or browse a database of over 20,000 scholarly/peer-reviewed articles covering All-Hazards topics as well as some 5,000 proceedings from academic, NGO and governmental conferences and workshops.
Disaster Law Database
Index to legal and policy instruments related to disaster management from the international, regional, national, provincial and local levels, as well as references to articles, book chapters and reports relevant to disaster law. From the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
US Fire Administration Library
Index to books and articles dealing with crisis management and natural hazards. The most extensive collection of fire service literature in the United States
MCEER Publications Catalog
Searchable, online publications catalog of the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER). 
Browse research guides featuring access to current U.S. policy statements accompanied by broad, objective, and comprehensive analysis from a global network of think tanks and research institutes. From the National Defense University
PreventionWeb: Documents & Publications
PreventionWeb is a collaborative knowledge sharing platform on disaster risk reduction (DRR), managed by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR). The online database provides access to the publications of of the UNISDR and related agencies.