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Art Library Exhibitions Spaces and Special Events

Artworks from the Exhibit

Ali Kosloski, Wealth of the Mind, 2021

David Yang, Chinatown, 2021

Giancarlo Venturini,You Cannot Learn That You’ll Burn Till You Touch the Heat, 2021

Heliya Sefat, Elephant in the Dark, 2021

Johanna Cordasco, Numbers Quilt, 2021

Lauren Krasnoff, steady rain, 2020

Elizabeth Pope, Untitled, 2021

Elizabeth Pope, Untitled, 2021

Elizabeth Pope, Untitled, 2021

Serafina Kennedy, Amico Island, 2021

Sophie Mahoney, Apple, 2021

Exhibit at the Art Library

Exhibit at the Art Library

Exhibit at the Art Library

Exhibit at the Art Library

Exhibit at the Art Library

Exhibit at the Art Library

Exhibit at the Art Library

Exhibit at the Art Library

Press Release

Take it with you”, on exhibit at the Rutgers Art Library

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – This spring the Rutgers Art Library (71 Hamilton St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901) will host a free public exhibit of artwork by Rutgers Mason Gross Art & Design students who are completing (May 2022) or have recently received (May 2021) a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree.  The exhibit will be on display from February 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022, and consist of paintings, photography, and prints. As well, each artist has created a zine which viewers may take home with them (while supplies last).

This exhibit came to fruition after the co-curators, Serafina Kennedy and Lauren Krasnoff visited the Art Library for a visual literacy workshop presented by Megan Lotts, Art Librarian. Immediately enamored with the Art Library, the bountiful resources, and the exhibition spaces, the co-curators knew this would be an excellent space to share their work. But also, Kennedy and Krasnoff were intrigued by the Zines used through the workshop and this inspired the idea for each artist to create their own zine related to their work(s) on display.

A zine, short for magazine or “fanzine,” is a non-commercial, handmade, self-published resource often devoted to unique or specialized subject matter. Zines can be made with just pen and paper, but they also often include re-purposed texts and images. Like many other libraries, the Rutgers University Libraries-New Brunswick collects zines and uses them for teaching, marketing, workshops, and more.[i] To learn more about zines as well as examples found in Rutgers Special Collections & University Archives, please visit the following link:

Serafina Kennedy, co-curator of this exhibit, hopes “by including zines with our artworks, we are able to offer the viewer an interactive component to our show as well as engage with them on a more intimate level.”

Lauren Krasnoff, also co-curator of the exhibit notes, “making art accompanied by zines allowed us to forefront the research, thought processes, and supplementary media which make their way into our artistic practices. We hope to give the viewer both an insight and a tangible piece of our work that encapsulates the spirit of “take it with you”.

Participating artists in this exhibit include Johanna Cordasco, Serafina Kennedy, Lauren Krasnoff, Ali Kosloski, Sophie Mahoney, Elizabeth Pope, Heliya Sefat, Giancarlo Venturini, and David Yang.

Have questions about this exhibit or need help with scholarly research in the Arts?  Contact, Megan Lotts, Art Librarian at


The Rutgers Art Library, located on Rutgers University–New Brunswick’s College Avenue Campus, was established in 1966 and supports research and teaching in art & design, art history, photography, architecture, and landscape architecture. It holds over 90,000 volumes and provides access to a host of print and electronic journals related to the arts.  It serves as a venue for events and exhibitions with a particular emphasis on Rutgers’s students, faculty, and local artists.  Visit the Art Library online at

[i] Lotts, Megan. 2021. Advancing a Culture of Creativity in Libraries : Programming and Engagement. Chicago: ALA Editions.

List of Works

This file is a list of artist works, titles, mediums, & dates.