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1912–1925 Historic timeline

1912–1924: Popular Culture, Innovation, & Industry

Downton Abbey Style Exhibit, Rutgers Art Library, February–March 2016, curated by Jill Work. Includes costume and props on loan from the Theater Department at Mason Gross School of the Arts and Jill's Prop Shop.



(1) Decorative Arts/Interiors 1912–1925

(2) Fine Arts, 1912–1925

(3) Fashion 1912–1925

(4) 1912–1925 Historic timeline

(5) Related online resources

  • Titanic/Late Edwardian era Fashion (1912)
  • World War I era Fashion (1914–1919)
  • 1920s Fashion
  • Home decor (1912–1920s)
  • 1920s YouTube: fashion, slang, make-up, history
  • Downton-specific links

(6) 1912–1924: Popular Culture, Innovation &  Industry

(7) Art Library Exhibit: "Downton Abbey Style," February–March 2016

RUTGERS LIBRARY RESOURCES: Decorative Arts/Interiors 1912–1925

 [Note: You must be logged in for link to Rutgers library catalog to work]


  1. 300 years of industrial design : function, form, technique, 1700–2000
    TS171.A15 2000  FOLIO [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Heath, A., Heath, D., & Jensen, A. L. (2000). 300 years of industrial design: Function, form, technique, 1700-2000. New York: Watson-Guptill.
  2. British design since 1880 : a visual history
    NK1443.M3 1982  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]

    MacCarthy, F. (1982). British design since 1880: A visual history. London: Humphries. 

  3. British sources of art nouveau; an exhibition of 19th & 20th century British textiles and wallpapers
    N6490.V53  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Victoria University of Manchester. Whitworth Art Gallery. (1968). British sources of art nouveau; an exhibition of 19th & 20th century British textiles and wallpapers, Whitworth Art Gallery, 29th March-3rd May [1969?]. Whitworth Park, Manchester: Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester.
  4. Decorative arts 1850-1950 : a catalogue of the British Museum collection
    NK480.L66B75 1994  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    British Museum., & Rudoe, J. (1994). Decorative arts 1850-1950: A catalogue of the British Museum collection (Rev. pbk. ed.). London: Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press.
  5. Edwardian architecture : style and technology
    NA968.5.E38F45 1995  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Fellows, R. (1995). Edwardian architecture: Style and technology. London: Lund Humphries.
  6. The Fashioning and functioning of the British country house
    N386.U5S78 v.25  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Jackson-Stops, G. (1989). The Fashioning and functioning of the British country house. Washington, D.C. : Hanover [N.H.]: National Gallery of Art.
  7. Household goods : the British and their possessions
    DA533.C64 2006  [Alexander Library/College Ave. campus]
    Cohen, D. (2006). Household gods: The British and their possessions. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  8. Inventing the Modern World: Decorative Arts at the World's Fairs, 1851–1939
    NK775.B87 2012  FOLIO [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Busch, J. T., Futter, C., Blaszczyk, R. L., Harrison, S., Jones, K. A., Levy, M., . . . New Orleans Museum of Art. (2012). Inventing the modern world: Decorative arts at the world's fairs, 1851-1939. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Kansas City, Mo. : New York: Carnegie Museum of Art.
  9. The modernist textile : Europe and America, 1890–1940
    NK8842.T76 2006  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Troy, V. G. (2006). The modernist textile: Europe and America, 1890-1940. Aldershot: Lund Humphries.


[note: you must be logged in for link to Rutgers library catalog to work]


  1. Art Beyond the Gallery in Early 20th Century England
    N6768.C67 1985  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Cork, R. (1985). Art beyond the gallery in early 20th century England. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  2. British Art and the First World War, 1914–1924
    N9155.G7F69 2015  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Fox, J. (2015). British art and the First World War, 1914-1924. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  3. British Art in the 20th Century: The Modern Movement
    N6768.B82 1986  FOLIO  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]

    Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain), & Compton, S. P. (1986). 
    British art in the 20th century: The modern movement. Munich : New York: Prestel.
  4. British Art Since 1900
    N6768.S62 1986  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    N6768.S62 1986  [Paul Robeson Library/Camden campus]
    Spalding, F. (1986). 
    British art since 1900. London: Thames and Hudson.
  5. A Century of Change: British Painting Since 1900
    ND468.C46 1977  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    ND468.C46 1977  [Carr Library/Livingston campus]

    Shone, R. (1977). The Century of change: British painting since 1900. Oxford: Phaidon.
  6. Modern Art, Britain, and the Great War: witnessing, testimony and remembrance
    N6768.M26 2004  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Malvern, S., & Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art. (2004). Modern art, Britain, and the Great War: Witnessing, testimony and remembrance. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  7. Modern Art in Britain, 1910–1914
    N6768.R56 1997  [Rutgers Art Library/College Ave. campus]
    Robins, A. G., & Barbican Art Gallery. (1997). Modern art in Britain, 1910-1914. London: M. Holberton, in association with Barbican Art Gallery.



[note: you must be logged in for link to Rutgers library catalog to work]


  1. 1920s fashions from B. Altman & Company
    GT615.B2 1999  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus]
    B. Altman & Co. (1999). 1920s fashions from B. Altman & Company. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
  2. Children's fashions, 1900–1950, as pictured in Sears catalogs 
    GT615.C55 2003 FOLIO  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus]
    Sears, R. a. C., & Olian, J. (2003). Children's fashions, 1900–1950, as pictured in Sears catalogs. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
  3. Everyday fashions, 1909–1920, as pictured in Sears catalogs
    GT615.E89 1995  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus]
    Olian, J. (1995). Everyday fashions, 1909–1920, as pictured in Sears catalogs. New York: Dover.
  4. Everyday fashions of the twenties as pictured in Sears and other catalogs
    GT615.E93 1981  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus]
    Blum, S. (1981). Everyday fashions of the twenties as pictured in Sears and other catalogs. New York: Dover Publications.
  5. Eye on the flesh: fashions of masculinity in the early twentieth century 
    GT720.B67 1996  [Alexander Library/College Ave. campus]
    Boscagli, M. (1996). Eye on the flesh: Fashions of masculinity in the early twentieth century. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  6. Fashion, 1900–1939 : [catalogue of] a Scottish Arts Council exhibition with the support of the Victoria and Albert Museum 
    GT596.S36 1975 FOLIO   [Art Library/College Ave. Campus]Scottish Arts Council., Garland, M., & Victoria and Albert Museum. (1975). Fashion, 1900–1939: [catalogue of] a Scottish Arts Council exhibition with the support of the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: Idea Books [for] the Scottish Arts Council and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
  7. Fashion for the people: a history of clothing at Marks & Spencer 
    TT496.G7W67 2007  [Carr Library/Livingston campus]
    Worth, R. (2007). Fashion for the people: A history of clothing at Marks & Spencer (English ed.). Oxford ; New York: Berg.
  8. Fashion in photographs 1900–1920
    TR679.R65 1992  [Art Library/College Ave. Campus]
    Rolley, K., Aish, C., & National Portrait Gallery (Great Britain). (1992). Fashion in photographs 1900–1920. London: Batsford.
  9. Fashion sourcebook 1920s 
    GT596.F3776 2011  [John Cotton Dana Library/Newark Campus]
    Fiell, C., & Dirix, E. (2011). Fashion sourcebook 1920s. [London]: Fiell Pub.
  10. Hairstyles and fashion: a hairdresser's history of Paris, 1910–1920 
    GT2295.F8H35 1999  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus]
    Zdatny, S. M. (1999). Hairstyles and fashion: A hairdresser's history of Paris, 1910–1920. Oxford ; New York: Berg
  11. Parisian fashion, from the "Journal des dames et des modes," vol. 1, 1912–1913 
    GT887.P3  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus](1979). 
    Parisian fashion, from the "Journal des dames et des modes," vol. 1, 1912–1913 (A Franco Maria Ricci ed.). New York: Rizzoli.
  12. Reforming women's fashion, 1850–1920 : politics, health, and art 
    GT610.C85 2002  [Alexander Library/College Ave. campus]
    GT610.C85 2002 FOLIO  [Paul Robeson Library/Camden campus]

    Cunningham, P. (2002). Reforming women's fashion, 1850–1920: Politics, health, and art. Kent, OH; London: Kent State University Press.
  13. Shoes, hats and fashion accessories: a pictorial archive 1850–1940: 2,020 illustrations
    GT2050.G73 1998  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus]
    Grafton, C. B. (1998). Shoes, hats and fashion accessories: A pictorial archive 1850–1940: 2,020 illustrations. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
  14. Society dancing: fashionable bodies in England, 1870–1920 
    GV1646.E6B84 2011  [Douglass and Laurie Library/Douglass campus]
    Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.