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Art Library Exhibitions Spaces and Special Events

Press Release

Jersey Collective, a collaborative New Jersey Instagram project, is holding a photography exhibition at the Rutgers Art Library in New Brunswick, NJ. The show will open on Saturday January 16, 2016 and remain on view in the library until February 18, 2016. The images are a celebration of the first year of the project.

Jersey Collective was founded in March 2014 by Kerri Sullivan, a 2015 alumna of the Masters of Library and Information Science program and previous Art Library Intern. Jersey Collective is a New Jersey-centric Instagram account that has a different photographer (anyone from a professional to an amateur with a smartphone) take over the account each week. Each photographer is given the freedom to post as they wish, as long as the photos are taken in New Jersey.

The first year of the project was a great success. The show features one printed image from each week of Jersey Collective’s first year, from March 2014-2015. That’s 53 images, work from all four seasons, and images that showcase every corner of the Garden State. Fifty photographers (ranging in age from 13 to 40) were part of Jersey Collective’s first year. Seven of those photographers were current or former Rutgers students. 

The images from this show first hung in Cowerks in Asbury Park, NJ in June-August 2015.

For more information, please visit or contact Kerri Sullivan at The project can be seen at

If you have questions about the Art Library Exhibition spaces please contact Art Librarian, Megan Lotts at  or (848)932-7189.  Please visit our research guide that includes information about our past, present, and future happenings at:  


Additional Press:

"Jersey Collective" brings the sites and sights of New Jersey to Rutgers

'Jersey Collective' helps us get in touch with out state roots

"Jersey Collective" photography exhibit at Rutgers Art Library

Jersey Collective photography exhibit at Rutgers Art Library

On Exhibit at Rutgers Art Library: Jersey Collective Brings the Sites and Sights of New Jersey Rutgers



Jersey Collective Exhibition

Jersey Collective Logo

image by Sergio Castillo

Kerri Sullivan, founder of the Jersey Collective

image by Kristen Crunch