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Press Release

Rutgers coloring book connects students with Art Library services

September 26, 2016

Free, public pop-up making event at Art Library, October 3, 2016.

In the 21st century, a resurgence in coloring has swept the nation. Coloring books are no longer the exclusive domain of children. Many authors are creating coloring books that speak to adult audiences and public and academic libraries across the nation are hosting coloring events, commonly known as stressbusters. Coloring books are traditionally a medium for relaxation or artistic expression, but they are increasingly being used for education. This is where the Rutgers University Art Library Coloring Book comes in…

Art librarian Megan Lotts illustrated and wrote the Art Library Coloring Book to connect in a creative and fun way with students and to educate individuals about the resources and possibilities available at the Rutgers University Art Library.

The coloring book will be released at a free, public pop-up making event at the Art Library on Monday, October 3, 2016, from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. The Art Library plans to distribute a limited run of 500 booklets and crayons to students, faculty, and staff this fall semester, so we encourage everyone to stop by and pick up a copy soon.

We are excited to offer this unique way to get to know the Art Library and hope that our patrons will share their creations with us on social media #RutgersColoring. Be inventive and creative - we’ll repost the best images each month!

For further information visit or contact Megan Lotts, Art Librarian at or call 848-932-7189.


Questions about the Art Library coloring book? 

Contact: Megan Lotts, Art Librarian, MFA, MLIS or

call 848-932-7189

Illustrated by: Megan Lotts,

Share your colored designs:

Twitter: @RULibraries or #RutgersColoring     

Instagram: RutgersLibraries

How to get your copy?

If you would like a copy of the Art Library coloring book choose one of the following options, while supplies last...

1. Come to the coloring book release and coloring party at the Rutgers University Art Library on Monday, October 3, 2016, from 4p.m.-5p.m.

2. Stop by the Art Library after October 3rd to pick up a copy.

3. Contact Megan Lotts, Art Librarian & Illustrator of the book directly at or call 848-932-7189.

Materials from the Rutgers University Libraries collections

If you would like to learn more about Coloring Books look for materials in the Rutgers University Libraries under Coloring Book.

You can also learn more about Color from a theoretical and practical perspective under Color. 

Materials in the Art Library about Color.

Rare materials from the Art Library X room

Interaction of Color by Joseph Albers

Naked ladies, naked ladies, naked ladies: coloring book by Lynda Barry