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Art Library Exhibitions Spaces and Special Events

Exhibition statement

This exhibit is an  exploration of water and water movement. This group of works represents a collaboration between Donna Webb (ceramic artist) and JeanMarie Hartman (ecologist) where they explored ways that water and water movement can be made visible through art.  “Erosion” depicts an important water driven process.  The “Water Table” shows changes in a landscape over geologic time.


Jean Marie Hartman received her Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Connecticut, after first earning her M.S. in Landscape Architecture and B.S. in Botany from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

In her words, "Ecological thinking must inform landscape architectural practice. While an understanding of ecology is now widely considered to be fundamental to "good" design, the relationships between these two fields form a relatively new scholarly arena. This is, in part, because few scholars are equipped to undertake new scientific studies and to frame them within questions that implicate new modes of design practice."

Dr. Hartman's role in research, teaching, and outreach within the discipline of landscape architecture bridges the gap between ecology and design. Her work generates new scientific understandings of complex ecological systems and indicates the ways in which design, planning and policy can help to protect and restore them.

Exhibit at the Art Library

This exhibit will be on display from June 7, 2017- September 2017.

images from the exhibit

Image from exhibition

Waterpark- video by Jean Marie Hartman