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Peter and Donna Announcement

Press Release

Peter & Donna Thomas Press Release

Subject line: Peter & Donna Thomas: wandering books artist and the artists’ bookmobile

The Rutgers University Libraries are delighted to announce that internationally known book artists Peter & Donna Thomas will be visiting the Rutgers New Brunswick Campus on Tuesday, October 14, 2014.

10 a.m.: Display of current work with Peter & Donna Thomas. Please note an RSVP for this event is necessary as spaces are limited.  Please contact Art Librarian Megan Lotts if you would like to attend. Location: Mason Gross School of the Arts, Civic Square Building at 33 Livingston Avenue, downtown New Brunswick.

Noon-2 p.m.: Meet the artists and see the artists’ bookmobile at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Civic Square Building at 33 Livingston Avenue, in downtown New Brunswick.

1 p.m.:- Join the artists for a public performance of “Book Arts Folk Songs” played on the ukulele and ukulele book. This will be the Mid-Atlantic premiere.

Peter and Donna Thomas are known for their workshops in paper and book arts. They have traveled and exhibited all over the United States, from Delaware to California, and most recently at the CBAA National Biennial Conference. They have been featured in many book and arts publications, and have been reviewed in Time Magazine. Their works are included in public and private collections around the world.

Peter and Donna believe passionately in the aesthetic experience provided by using the best materials for their book and paper art:

I see the library as the book's "museum" and take great pleasure in finding our books held in library collections. It is my belief that to be really successful, an artists' book must be just as satisfying to view in a glass case as it is to hold and read. The book's exterior (binding) needs to be like a sculpture (by this I mean a stand alone aesthetic experience) so that even if a viewer can only see the binding they will still find aesthetic satisfaction. And the book's interior also has to be like a painting (by this I also mean a stand alone aesthetic experience) so that when a viewer looks at it (even if only behind glass) they will find aesthetic satisfaction.

(Quote from Peter Thomas)


If you have questions about this event please contact Art Librarian Megan Lotts at or call (848) 932-7189. This event is sponsored by the Rutgers University Libraries and is hosted at the Mason Gross School of the Arts.






About Peter and Donna

Peter and Donna Thomas are known for their workshops in paper and book arts. They have traveled and exhibited all over the United States, from Delaware to California, and most recently at the CBAA National Biennial Conference. They have been featured in many book and arts publications, and have been reviewed in Time Magazine. Their works are included in public and private collections around the world.

About This Event

The Rutgers University Libraries are delighted to announce that internationally known book artists Peter & Donna Thomas will be visiting the Rutgers New Brunswick Campus on Tuesday, October 14, 2014.

10 a.m.: Display of current work with Peter & Donna Thomas. Please note an RSVP for this event is necessary as spaces are limited. Please contact Art Librarian Megan Lotts if you would like to attend. Location: Mason Gross School of the Arts, Civic Square Building at 33 Livingston Avenue, downtown New Brunswick.

Noon-2 p.m.: Meet the artists and see the artists’ bookmobile at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Civic Square Building at 33Livingston Avenue, in downtown New Brunswick.

1 p.m.:- Join the artists for a public performance of “Book Arts Folk Songs” played on the ukulele and ukulele book. This will be the Mid-Atlantic premiere.