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America in the 1960s and 1970s


The 1960s Cultural Revolution: A Reference Guide
John C. McWilliams. 2nd edition. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO, 2021.
The ABC-CLIO Companion to the 1960s Counterculture in America.
Neil A. Hamilton. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO, 1997. Available?

Daily Life

Daily Life in the 1960s Counterculture
Jim Willis. Santa Barbara, Greenwood Press, 2019. Rutgers-restricted Access


The Hippies: A 1960s History
John Moretta. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2017. Available?
Daughters of Aquarius: Women of the Sixties Counterculture
Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2009. Available?
Hippyland Archives
Eclectic group of documents and images from the period of the 1960s-1970s.
Produced by Lou Reda Productions for the History Channel, 2007.
"The film describes what happened during the 1960s and the effects of the Hippie "counter-culture" on American society right up to the present time. "


The Roots of the 1960s Communal Revival
Timothy Miller. American Studies 33(2), Fall 1992, pp.73-93.
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two CounterCultural Communities, 1965-83
Tim Hodgdon. New York, Columbia University Press, 2008. Available?
CounterCultural Communes Rejection or Reflection of Conventional Mainstream Gender Norms?
Kerry L. Conlon. Thesis (M.A.), Rutgers University, Newark, 2014.
Explores if the sixties countercultural communards of Colorado’s Drop City, Tennessee’s The Farm, and Virginia’s Twin Oaks achieved liberation from the mainstream gender roles that characterized post-World War II America.
The Farm
Founded in 1971 on 6 square miles in south central Tennessee, The Farm is still home to approximately 200 persons today.
The Farm Then and Now: A Model for Sustainable Living
Douglas Stevenson. Gabriola Island, Canada, New Society Publishers, 2014.
Life on the Bus and Farm: An Informal Recollection
John Coate. 1987
Life on The Farm in the 1970s
Why We Left the Farm
Whole Earth Review Winter, 1985.
Interview with eight long-time members of the Farm who left.
Intentional Communiites
The collections on communes at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst Special Collections. Includes a digitized documentary (ca 1973) for the Brotherhood of the Spirit, "the largest commune in the United States," and the digitized New Babylon Times/Green Mountain Post, the countercultural literary magazine produced by members of the Montague Farm commune.
Drop City
"Often cited as the first rural commune of the 1960s, Drop City was an experimental community on the plains of Southern Colorado that blended practices of art, architecture, and resourceful living in ways that came to define a global counterculture...This video clip features three of the early residents of Drop City: JoAnn Bernofsky, Gene Bernofsky and Clark Richert."
Droppers: America's First Hippie Commune, Drop City
Mark Matthews. Norman, Okla., University of Oklahoma Press, 2010. Available?


Woodstock Peace, Music & Memories: 40th Anniversary
Brad Littleproud and Joanne Hague. Iola, Wis., Krause Publications, 2009.
Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music
Directed by Michael Wadleigh. Burbank Calif., Warner Home Video, 1997.
Restored director's cut. "This documentary film captures the unique communal experience and many of the performances of the most famous of outdoor rock concerts performed during three days at Bethel, New York." Available?
Woodstock: The Oral History.
Joel Makower. New York, Doubleday, 1989. Available?
Life at Woodstock, 1969
Photographs from Life coverage of Woodstock.


Appetite for Change: How the Counterculture Took on the Food Industry.
Warren J. Belasco. 2nd updated ed. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2007. Available?


Berkeley in the Sixties. Kirchell Films, 2002. "Present a history of Berkeley, California during the 1960's through interviews with students, activists, and use or archival news footage."

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