The Rutgers University Libraries does not have a test collection for student or faculty borrowing. Published tests are not available through the libraries.
"Published" or commercially available tests, and their associated materials, are those tests available for sale to qualified researchers. Information on those tests may often be found through a simple internet search. Many "unpublished," or freely available tests may sometimes be found in full text on the web.
"Mental Measurements Yearbook" and its companion index "Tests In Print" are available in print in many of our libraries. However, the print is no longer up to date as the library now subscribes to the online Mental Measurements Yearbook. This resources is located on our Databases list on the library homepage.
APA PsycINFO provides references to background literature about tests, but does not include the full text of the tests themselves. For a complete listing of reference materials about tests owned by the Libraries, and for pointers to other resources, please see this excellent Libraries guide to Finding Tests and Measures.
Rutgers does not subscribe to the APA database PsycTESTS, which is a "one stop shop" for identifying both published and unpublished tests. This resource, a subscription product, contains the full text of many of the unpublished tests. This resource has continued its development and RUL at this point does not subscribe but is keeping PsycTESTS in mind for future possible acquisitions. Please let Laura Mullen ( if you are a Rutgers faculty member and would like us to subscribe to PsycTESTS.