There are many different citation managers, and most will work with the Rutgers Libraries resources. Often, when you are using a library database and want to send a citation to your citation manager, you will be looking for the button labeled "Direct Export." EXPORT is the word you need.
APA style is included in citation managers, and most will include the most recent 7th edition changes. Citation managers can automatically add and format your citations as you go..using Cite While you Write, for instance (for Word). Tip: Make sure you check your citations carefully once you have finished your paper; citation managers can make mistakes in automatically formatting citations. Make sure you have DOIs on your APA citations.
RefWorks: Rutgers has a site license to RefWorks for citation management and creating bibliographies. Students writing papers can set up a folder for each class or project, and gather citations and PDFs. Students may find RefWorks preferable to EndNote for their class research papers. For a great guide on using RefWorks at Rutgers, please see the NewRefWorks research guide.
EndNote is a popular option and is now available to all Rutgers faculty, staff and students. EndNote also has extensive tutorial help at their website. You can access EndNote and download it to your computer. See the bottom of the page, EndNote help from the Libraries if you need assistance, or you may contact Clarivate help directly. See our RU libraries EndNote tutorials also (featured in the column at left).
Zotero is another popular open source choice and general information can be found here:
Zotero is not a library product, but open source for all. RUL does have librarian expertise if needed for Zotero. For help with using Zotero, please see information and contacts at:
For information on citation managers at Rutgers, please see:
For all questions on citation managers or their use in research, please contact librarians at: