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Psychology & Behavioral Sciences

This subject research guide serves as a roadmap to the psychology resources available at the Rutgers University Libraries

Getting Started with Using the Rutgers Libraries to do Psychology Research

Welcome to the Rutgers University Libraries. Our goal is to provide the collections and services that are to be expected from a major research library, and to make sure we are serving the needs of our university community. Psychology materials, at one time, were mainly housed at the Library of Science and Medicine on the Busch Campus-with collections also housed at the Newark and Camden campuses. Now, many of our journal (and many ebook) collections are online and available remotely to all researchers at all locations.  So, please use the search box on the front of the library website (QuickSearch) to access the materials that you will need before traveling to the library. You may use QuickSearch to find books, journals, articles, and other scholarly content. Much of what you likely need for your research will be found online, and if we don't have access to (or own) any other material you need, we also provide rapid delivery of any material (to your email in the case of articles). 

Library News of Interest to Psychology and Workshops

This section will be used to relay any important messages about new psychology resources or library issues. Please contact the Libraries' Sciences Team with any questions about behavioral sciences/psychology resources and/or services. Thank you.

Some news:

1. APCs: The Libraries have arrangements with certain publishers to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Rutgers authors. Please see the Open Access Publishing Opportunities for Rutgers Researchers webpage for information. More publishers will be added in the future and this page is kept updated at all times.

2. The New Brunswick Libraries offer an ongoing series of free workshops on data topics (and others); all are welcome! These open workshops provide an introduction to research tools and methods such as Python, R, Digital Humanities, data visualization, data science topics, systematic reviews, and data management plans. Workshops are open to all members of the Rutgers community.

3. APA Style 7th edition paperbacks are held in the RU libraries!  Please see available copies at:***Please note that temporary free online access to the Publication Manual of the APA (7th edition) that was available due to the pandemic has ended. Most library copies are unavailable for loan at present.  There is no official online version of the Publication Manual of the APA 7th edition available to universities. There is print and personal online access to the Publication Manual of the APA, 7th edition, 2020 for individual purchase. However, there is also a wealth of information online to help. For all information about APA style and current resources, please see the APA Style tab on this guide.

4.  RUL has acquired the APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology. You may access it by clicking on the "Encyclopedias" tab above this guide, or by searching the library catalog (QuickSearch) on the library website. Search by title: APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology

5. The Rutgers Open Access Policy and information on making your work open access

Please visit the SOAR website for information on the policy, the Senate resolution, to deposit your work, or to request presentations, consultation, or other services. All SOAR services are free of charge. Please contact Laura Mullen with any questions, or to discuss any aspect of OA or the Policy,.

From the SOAR website:

This Rutgers Open Access Policy ensures the widest dissemination of Rutgers scholarship via the SOAR (Scholarly Open Access at Rutgers, website and suite of services. Depositing work in SOAR, which is crawled by Google, allows articles to circulate worldwide on the internet. Researchers without access to subscriptions will be able to access the results of Rutgers research. When an article is accepted for publication (post peer review, all revisions complete), Rutgers faculty, doctoral students and postdocs should upload the author version (typically a Word doc or PDF) to SOAR at SOAR staff take care of researching all permissions and handle other issues.

6. Open Access Textbooks: many sources under the Open Educational Resources (OER) section of this guide. You may want to choose open access textbooks for your course(s), and there are many options to find one at the OER tab (specific to psychology) above.
One example: Check out this open access textbook builder for psychology: Knowledge Evolved/Noba (more info under tab "Open Educational Resources (OERs)" See:

7. Recently Acquired Psychology-related Databases at RUL (please see "Databases" on the library homepage for the full alphabetical list):

Docuseek2 for some psychology video content (See the videos tab above for more)

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print

Sage Research Methods (new content recently added)

Added content to Counseling and Therapy in Video, V.1 and 2

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)

9.  June, 2024, Please see monograph (Sage) by Mullen, Laura Bowering on many pertinent topics in scholarly communication and Open Access specifically focused on Psychology entitled: Open Access, Scholarly Communication, and Open Science in Psychology: An Overview for Researchers. See drop down "contents" on the epub version to jump to specific topics of interest. This is an OA book that details how OA and scholarly communication is currently playing out in the discipline.