The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is the public policy research arm of the US Congress. It issues briefs, reports, short issue papers, and longer position papers.
Historically, distribution of CRS Reports was limited to Members of Congress, so there is no comprehensive source for reports. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 includes a provision titled, “Equal Access to Congressional Research Service Reports,” which directs the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to make non-confidential CRS Reports freely-available to the public. Beginning in August 2018, those reports are being incorporated into the Federal Depository Library Program and records for new titles are being added to QuickSearch
While there is not currently one comprehensive online source for all current and historical Congressional Research Service Reports, the sites listed here include substantial collections.
For older reports, Major Studies and Issue Briefs of the Congressional Research Service 1916-2007 (title varies) is available in microfilm in the Government Publications collection at Alexander Library (ALEXANDER DOCMFILM Cabinet 11-1C+; accession numbers 6006 and 6007). The titles included on the microfilm are fully cataloged and can be identified using QuickSearch. Printed guides are also available at ALEXANDER DOCREF JK1108.G86 1916/89 and DOCREF JK1108.G85.