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Congressional Research

Library research guide to locating print and online materials from the United States Congress.

House and Senate Committee Prints

23rd - 91st Congress (1911 - 1969)    Microfiche, ALEXANDER DOC MFICHE,Cabinet 15
For a guide, consult CIS US Congressional Committee Prints Index in ALEXANDER DOCREF J74.C66.

(1953 - 1980)    Microprint, ANNEX GP 3.8X:
Included in United States Government Publications: Non-Depository. Check Monthly Catalog for the year/entry number to access this Readex non-depository collection.

(1981 - date)    Microfiche, ALEXANDER DOCUSM Cabinet 1-10+
Check the Catalog of Government Publications for SuDocs classification number.

Additional committee prints may be held in paper format. To locate the paper copies, consult the documents card catalog under U.S. Congress. [House or Senate]. [Committee Name] as author; then by title of the print to obtain SuDocs number, Congress, and session. These are interfiled with hearings in stacks 39-47.