1824-present: Many hearings for this period are now available online through the resources listed above. In addition:
Prior to the 97th Congress, Alexander Library also has most hearings in paper format. Subject access is through the Monthly Catalog and the Catalog of Government Publications. Holdings are noted in the documents card catalog under U.S. Congress. [House or Senate]. [Committee name]. and title. Many are NOT in QuickSearch. Locating paper hearings requires the SuDoc number, Congress/Session, and title or, in some cases, the serial number. An exception is that Senate Appropriations Committee hearings for the 96th Congress are in microfiche format.
From the 97th Congress (1981) to the 116th Congress 2019, Congressional hearings are also in microfiche and are filed by the SuDoc number in cabinet 1-10+. The Monthly Catalog, the CIS Index and Abstracts, and the Catalog of Government Publications are the primary finding aids for obtaining the SuDoc classification numbers by which the fiche are filed.
The following represent other special collections of hearings that the Libraries own:
18th - 94th Congress (1823 - 1976) Microfiche, ALEXANDER DOC MFICHE Cabinet 12
This collection of unpublished Senate hearings is indexed by CIS Index to Unpublished U.S. Senate Committee Hearings in ALEXANDER DOCREF KF40.C55 1986 and its supplement.
22nd - 88th Congress (1833 - 1964) Microfiche, ALEXANDER DOC MFICHE Cabinet 12
This collection of unpublished House hearings is indexed by CIS Index to Unpublished U.S. House of Representatives Committee Hearings in ALEXANDER DOCREF KF27.A2U6 1988 and supplement.
25th - 73rd Congress (1839 - 1934) Microfiche, ALEXANDER DOC MFICHE Cabinet 13
This collection of Congressional Committee Hearings not in the U.S. Senate Library is indexed by Supplement to the Index of Congressional Hearings...1934 in ALEXANDER DOCREF KF40.U49 1971 Supp.
(1869 - 1934) Microfiche, Cabinet 13
Hearings, both House and Senate, are indexed by Index of Congressional Committee Hearings (not confidential in character) Prior to 1935 in US Senate Library in DOCREF KF40.U49 1971.