For the texts of Congressional Bills please consult the following:
1st - 70th Congress (1789-1929) Microfilm, ALEXANDER DOC M-FILM Cabinets 20 and 21 near stack 49.
6th - 42nd Congress (1799-1873) Online through from the Library of Congress. Senate Bills begin with the 16th Congress.
71st - 95th (1929-1979) Alexander Library does not own the bills. On occasion, the text of a bill may be found at the beginning of a hearing or in the Congressional Record.
96th (1979-1981) Microfiche, ALEXANDER DOCUSM X 96-Sess.#:H.R.# (House bills) and X 96:Sess.#:S#. (Senate bills)
97th - 106th (1981-2001) Microfiche, ALEXANDER DOCUSM Y 1.4/6: (House bills) and Y 1.4/1: (Senate bills)
To obtain the fiche number on which a bill from the 96th - 106th Congress appears, consult the Cumulative Finding Aid shelved in ALEXANDER DOCUSR GP3.28.
101st - present (1989 - present) Online through
103rd - present (1993 - present) Online through govinfo