The National Personnel Records Center-Military Personnel Records in St. Louis is the repository for military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans who served in the military in the 20th century. Due to privacy laws, access to service records is restricted to the veteran and their next-of-kin (unremarried widow or widower, son or daughter, father or mother, brother of sister) or third parties who have secured the veteran's (or next-of-kin's) signed authorization.
The American Battle Monuments Commission has searchable (by name) databases of those interred at the American military cemeteries overseas and those Missing in Action from World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Record includes rank, branch of service, serial number, company, state entered service from, date of death, cemetery and plot, and military awards.
World War I Casualties: Descriptive Cards and Photographs. New Jersey State Archives database. 3,427 name entries, linked to an information card or photograph, or often both. Information cards include name; service number; race; residence; place and date of enlistment; place and date of birth; service unit and dates of assignment or transfer; date killed or otherwise died (if not killed in action, cause of death); wounds or injuries received; and the name and address of the person notified of the death.
World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personnel from: New Jersey. Arranged by county and then alphabetically by name of deceased. Information provided includes serial number, rank and type of casualty.
State Summary of War Casualties from World War II for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Personnel from: New Jersey. Entries in the list are arranged into the following sections: Dead (Combat), Dead (Prison Camp), Missing, Wounded and Released Prisoners, and thereunder alphabetically by name. The list includes the rank of the decedent, and the name, address and relationship of next-of-kin.
New Jersey Korean War Memorial
Includes name, rank, and service branch.
U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Korean War for Home-State-of-Record: New Jersey. Includes service branch, rank, birthdate, home of record [city/county], indicent or death date, and if remains recovered.
U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War for Home-State-of-Record: New Jersey. Includes service branch, rank, birthdate, home of record [city/county], indicent or death date, and if remains recovered.