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Housing and Development Resources

Affordable Housing in New Jersey

NJ Housing Resources
"A listing of resources which link to facts and figures that offer insight into New Jersey's housing affordability and other useful information." From the Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey.
New Jersey Guide to Affordable Housing
Lists income-restricted affordable housing units for rent and for sale in New Jersey by county and municipality.
List of Affordable Developments by County
From the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
Find Housing
New Jersey Housing Resource Center database.
New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing Decisions
New Jersey COAH decisions from 1986 to 2010. Part of the New Jersey Digital Legal Library
Mount Laurel Material
Documents relating to the historic 1983 Mount Laurel decision and subsequent legislation. Part of the New Jersey Digital Legal Library

Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing/Worst Case Needs Reports to Congress
Reports going back to the late 1980s providing national data and analysis of critical housing problems facing very low-income renting families.
Family Options Study
A multi-year (2008- ), multi-site random assignment experiment designed to study the impact of various housing and services interventions for homeless families.

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