Sometimes your EndNote tab may disappear for whatever reason. If this happens to you too, please follow the steps below to make the tab reappear:
- In Word, go to File --> Options --> Add-ins.
- At the bottom of the list of Add-ins, under “Disabled Application Add-ins”, you should see “EndNote Cite While You Write” Add-in. To re-enable this, go to Manage: (the pull-down menu located at the very bottom of the same screen).
- Change the menu from “COM Add-ins” to “Disabled Items”.
- Click Go, you will see a little pop-up window.
- Click on the “Add-in: cite while you write (endnote cwyw.dll)” and then hit Enable.
- After doing that, close Word as well as all other Office programs and then restart Word. The EndNote tab should reappear in the Ribbon on the top of the screen.