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New Americans: American Immigration History

European Immigrants

Reference Library of European America
Detroit, Gale Research, 1999. 4 vols.
Vols 1 and 2 consist of essays describing the experiences of European immigrant groups in America (settlement patterns, acculturation and assimilation, language, family and community dynamics, and religion). Vols 3 and 4 describe the homeland countries. Available?
European Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States and Canada: A Historical Bibliography
David L. Brye, editor. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-Clio Information Service, 1983. Available?

Eastern Europeans

Immigration: Polish/Russian
History of the immigration of Russians, Poles, and Jews to the United States. From the Library of Congress.


Polish Farmers and Workers in the United States to 1914
Sister Lucille, C.R. Polish American Historical Association Archives.
"The Old Neighborhood Isn't the Same Any More": The Evolution of Polish-American Ethnicity.
Deborah Anders Silverman. IN Polish-American Folklore. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2000. Chapter 2.
Traces the evolution of the sense of Polish ethnic identity beginning with the immigrants that arrived in the last quarter of the 19th century. Available?
The Poles in Philadelphia to 1914
Sister M. Theodosetta, C.S.F.N. Polish American Historical Association Archives.
The Polish People of Passaic
Sister M. Gaudentia, Fel. Polish American Historical Association Archives.
A Comparative Study of Emigration to the United States from Ireland and Poland
Tadeusz Paleczny. Comparison of causes and course of emigration, and the level of national assimilation.
Two Emigrations - Two Nationalisms: Irish-American and Polish-American Nationalism in the United States
Tadeusz Paleczny. 2011.
Polish Americans and Their Communities of Cleveland
John J. Grabowski Cleveland, Cleveland State University, 1976.
Poles in Cleveland: A Select Annotated Bibliography
Frank B. Roman. Reprinted from Polish American Studies, Vol. XII. No. 3-4, July-December 1955.
Judaica: The History of Jewish Poland
Links, primarily to online essays and documents relating to the history of Jews in Poland. From the Polish Academic Information Center at the University of Buffalo.


Beyond the Pale: The History of Jews in Russia
Virtual exhibit.
The Russians in America: A Chronology & Fact Book
Vladimir Wertsman, compiler. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1977. Available?
Colonial Russian America: Kyrill T. Khlebniknov's Reports, 1817-1832
Kiril Timofeevich Khlebnikov. Translated by Basil Dmytryshyn and E.A.P.Crownhart-Vaughan. Portland, Oregon Historical Society, 1976. Available?
The Russian Immigrant
Jerome Davis. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1922.
Sociological study. Includes an early Bibliography on The Russians in America
Memoirs of Life in Old Russia, World War I, Revolution, and In Emigration: Oral History Transcript
Ivan Stenbock-Fermor. Berkeley Calif., University of California, 1976.
Russian Emigre Recollections: Life in Russia and California: Oral History Transcript/1979-1983
Berkeley Calif., University of California, 1986.
Transcriptons of interviews with seven subjects, most of whom had left Russia around the time of the Russian Revolution.
Roucek, Joseph S. "The Image of the Slav in U.S. History and in Immigration Policy," American Journal of Economics & Sociology 28(1), January 1969, 29-48. Rutgers-restricted Access


Migration, Class, and Transnational Identities : Croatians in Australia and America
Val Colic-Peisker. University of Illinois Press, 2008. Available?


Serbs in the United States and Canada: A Comprehensive Bibliography
Robert P. Gakovich. Minneapolis, Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, 1977. Available?


Ukrainians in the United States
George A. Miziuk. Overview up to the early 2000s.
The Ukrainians in America, 1608-1975: A Chronology & Fact Book
Vladimir Wertsman. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1976. Available?
Ukrainian-Americans: An Ethnic Portrait
Donald P. Lokuta. Trenton, New Jersey Historical Commission, 1982. Available?


Jewish Life in America, c.1654-1954.
Primary sources documenting the history of Jewish communities in America from the 17th through the 20th centuries. Rutgers-restricted Access
Jewish-Americn History and Culture: An Encyclopedia
Jack Fischel and Sanford Pinsker. New York, Garland, 1992. Available?
The Jewish Experience in America: A Historical Bibliography
Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-Clio, 1983. Available?
Jews in American Agriculture: An Annotated Bibliography
Irwin Weintraub. Jefferson, N.C., McFarland & Co., 2007. Available?
Judaica Americana: A Bibliography of Publications to 1900
Robert Singerman. New York, Greenwood Press, 1990. 2 vols. Available?
Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the USA
Herbert A. Strauss, editor. New York, K.G. Saur, 1978- . 7 vols.
vol. 1: Archival Resources; vol. 2: Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Immigration and Acculturation of Jews from Central Europe to the USA since 1933; vol. 3(1): Guide to the Oral History Collection of the Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York; vol. 3(2): Classified List of Articles Concerning Emigration from Germany; vol. 4(1) Jewish Emigration from Germany 1933-1942, A Documentary History; vol. 5: The Individual and Collective Experience of German-Jewish Immigrants, 1933-1984; vol. 6: Essays on the History, Persecution, and Emigration of German Jews. Available?
New Jersey Jewish History: A Bibliographic Guide.
Ruth Marcus Patt. New Brunswick, N.J., Jewish Historical Society of Central Jersey, 1987. Available?
The Jews of New Jersey : A Pictorial History.
Patricia M. Ard and Michael Aaron Rockland. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2002. Available?
The Enduring Community : the Jews of Newark and MetroWest.
William B. Helmreich. New Brunswick, N.J., Transaction Publishers, c1999. Available?
The Jewish Scene in New Jersey's Raritan Valley, 1698-1948
Ruth Marcus Patt. New Brunswick, N.J., Jewish Historical Society of Raritan Valley, 1978.  Available? 1980 Supplement. Available?

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[Country Name] Emigration and Immigration Example: Poland Emigration and Immigration
[Country Name] Americans Example: Polish Americans
[Group] United States Example: Poles United States

To search for items relating to Jewish Americans, search the Catalog with the subject keywords:

Jews United States

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