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New Americans: American Immigration History

Multidisciplinary Databases

ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection
Index to over 10,000 social science titles, including journal articles, books, dissertations, proceedings, and government publications; full-text access to over 1800 journals. International and interdisciplinary in scope. Indexes multiple Proquest databases.
Hint: Try [Group] "United States" or [Group] Americans as your search term. For example: salvadorans "united states," or "italian americans." Rutgers-restricted Access
Academic Search Premier
A basic multidisciplinary database, ASP indexes both news magazines (Time back to 1929, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report) and scholarly journals. Especially strong for arts and humanities titles; also good resource for book reviews. Rutgers-restricted Access
JSTOR provides electronic access to back runs, many back to the 19th century or earlier, of more than 2000 important scholarly journals in a variety of disciplines. JSTOR does not include current issues of journals; generally the most recently published issue of any current journal will not appear in JSTOR until 3-5 years after the publishing date. Rutgers current access is to ten of the twelve JSTOR Arts and Sciences collections. Rutgers-restricted access

Can't resist the urge to Google?

Google Scholar
Use the Library's link to Google Scholar.

History Databases

America: History and Life 1964- .
The most comprehensive index to American (U.S. and Canada) history. Indexes over 2000 journals worldwide, as well as book reviews and dissertations. Rutgers-restricted Access
Historical Abstracts 1955- .
The most comprehensive index to world history (excluding that of the U.S. and Canada) from 1450 to the present. Indexes over 2,000 history and history-related journals worldwide, as well as book reviews and dissertations. Rutgers-restricted Access

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