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New Americans: American Immigration History

European Immigrants

Reference Library of European America
Detroit, Gale Research, 1999. 4 vols.
Vols 1 and 2 consist of essays describing the experiences of European immigrant groups in America (settlement patterns, acculturation and assimilation, language, family and community dynamics, and religion). Vols 3 and 4 describe the homeland countries. Available?
European Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States and Canada: A Historical Bibliography
David L. Brye, editor. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-Clio Information Service, 1983. Available?

Western Europeans


Views of the Famine
Contemporary newspaper accounts, a published account of a journey to Ireland, and an database of contemporary illustrations relating to life in Ireland during the mid-19th century.
Irish Immigration to America
Overview of the history of Irish immigrants in the U.S. From the Library of Congress.
Irish Immigrants in the Land of Canaan: Letters and Memoirs from Colonial and Revolutionary America, 1675-1815
Kerby A. Miller et. al. New York, Oxford University Press, 2003. Available?
Irish Immigration in the United States: Immigrant Interviews
Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa. New York, Arno Press, 1969.
Reprint of the 1864 edition published under the title A Brief Account of the Author's Interview with His Countrymen. Available?
Models for Movers: Irish Women’s Emigration to America
Ide B. O'Carroll. Cork University Press, 2015.
"Collection of Irish migrant women's oral histories spanning three waves of twentieth-century emigration, 1920s, 1950s, 1980s." Rutgers-restricted Access
A Comparative Study of Emigration to the United States from Ireland and Poland
Tadeusz Paleczny. Comparison of causes and course of emigration, and the level of national assimilation.
Two Emigrations - Two Nationalisms: Irish-American and Polish-American Nationalism in the United States
Tadeusz Paleczny. 2011.
The Encyclopedia of the Irish in America
Michael Glazier, editor. Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame Press, 1999.
Some 1,000 biographical and topical entries, with brief bibliographies, relating to the Irish experience in America. Includes entries for every state. Available?
The Irish in America: A Guide to the Literature and the Manuscript Collections
Patrick J. Blessing. Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 1992. Available?
Immigrants from Great Britain and Ireland: A Guide to Archival and Manuscript Sources in North America
Jack W. Weaver and DeeGee Lester. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1986. Available?
The Irish-American Experience: A Guide to the Literature
Seamus P. Metress. Washington, D.C., University Press of America, 1981. Available?
The Irish Experience in New York City: A Select Bibliography
Ann M. Shea. New York, New York Irish History Roundtable, 1995. Available?
The Irish in New Jersey: Four Centuries of American Life.
Dermot Quinn. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, 2004. Available?
Hidden History of the Irish in New Jersey
Thomas Fox. Charleston, S.C., History Press, 2011. Available?
The Irish in Newark and New Jersey: Exhibition at the Newark Public Library
Exhibition catalog. Includes an essay by Dermot Quinn on the Irish in Newark and New Jersey prepared for the exhibit held at the Newark Public Library March 14-May 19, 2007, and the exhibit bibliography. Available?
The Philadelphia Irish: Nation, Culture, and the Rise of a Gaelic Public Sphere
Michael L. Mullan. Rutgers University Press, 2021. Rutgers-restricted Access


Italian American Timeline
Annotated Bibliography of the Italian American Experience
Fred Gardaphe, SUNY Stony Brook.
Note: This is a multi-page bibliography; to browse the bibliography, click on the "Next page" link at the bottom of each page.
The Italian American Experience: An Encyclopedia
Salvatore J. LaGumina. New York, Garland Pub., 2000.
Over 400 biographical and topical entries with brief bibliographies. Available? or Online 
Italians in the United States
From the 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia.
The Italian Emigration to the United States, 1880-1930: A Bibliographic Register of Italian Views, Including Selected Numbers from the Italian Commissariat of Emigration, 'Bollettino dell' emigrazione'
Francesco Cordasco and Michael Vaughn Cordasco. Fairview, N.J., Junius-Vaughn Press, 1990.
Contemporary Italian response to mass migration to the U.S. as well as excerpts of articles (in Italian) describing immigrant life in the U.S. in the first quarter of the 20th century. Available?
The Imagined Immigrant: Images of Italian Emigration to the United States Between 1890 and 1924.
Ilaria Serra. Madison, NJ., Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2009. Available?
Wop!: A Documentary History of Anti-Italian Discrimination in the United States
Salvatore J. LaGumina. Buffalo, Guernica, 1999. Available?
The Italians of New Jersey: A Historical Introduction and Bibliography
Dennis J. Starr. Newark, New Jersey Historical Society, 1985. Available?
Americans of Italian descent in New Jersey.
Joseph William Carlevale. Foreword by Robert C. Clothier. Clifton, N. J., Printed by North Jersey Press [1950]. Available?
Between Peasant and Urban Villager : Italian Americans of New Jersey and New York, 1880-1980: The structure of counter-discourse
Michael J. Eula. New York, P.Lang, 1993.
A cultural history of the Italian-American working class. Available?
Newark's Little Italy : The Vanished First Ward.
Michael Immerso. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press c1997.
"Traces the history of the First Ward from the arrival of the first Italian in the 1870s until 1953 when the district was uprooted to make way for urban renewal." Available?
The Italians of Newark, A Community Study.
Charles Wesley Churchill. New York, Arno Press, 1975.
Reprint of the author's 1942 thesis (New York University). Based on interviews with about 700 Italians, approximately half of whom were born in Italy, between March 1938 and August 1939. Focus on Italian-American family and community life in Newark during this period. Available?
Italian Americans of Newark, Belleville, and Nutley.
Sandra S. Lee. Charleston, S.C., Arcadia Press, 2008. Available?
Vibrant Life 1886-1942: Trenton's Italian Americans
Erasmo S. Ciccolella. Staten Island, N.Y., Center for Migration Studies, 1986. Available?


The Portuguese in America, 590 B.C.-1974: A Chronology & Fact Book
Manoel Cardoza. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1976. Available?
In Pursuit of Their Dreams: A History of Azorean Immigration to the United States
Jerry R. Williams. 2d edition. North Dartmouth, Mass., University of Massachusetts Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, 2007. Available?
Portuguese Immigrants in the United States
A bibliography from the Library of Congress.
The Portuguese in the United States: A Bibliography
Leo Pap. Staten Island, N.Y., Center for Migration Studies, 1976. Available?
Portuguese Immigration to the United States: Its distribution and Status.
Christian John Bannick. Thesis (A.B.), Stanford University, 1916. Available?
Portuguese Emigration to the United States, 1820-1930
Maria Ioannis Benis Baganha. New York, Garland Pub., 1990. Available?
The Portuguese-American.
Leo Pap. Boston : Twayne Publishers, 1981. Available?
"Language Maintenance and Ethnic Survival: The Portuguese in New Jersey,"
Thomas M. Stephens. Hispania 72 (3), September 1989, 716-20.
Looks at Portuguese language maintenance and ethnicity in and around Newark, and the role played by education, the Church, the media, and the social clubs. Rutgers-restricted access
Celebrating the Portuguese Communities in America: A Cartographic Perspective
Online exhibit from the Library of Congress. Includes a section on Twentieth-Century Arrivals in Newark.

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[Country Name] Emigration and Immigration Example: Ireland Emigration and Immigration
[Country Name] Americans Example: Irish Americans
[Group] United States Example: Irish United States

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