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Finding Archival Collections and Primary Documents


Bracero History Archive
Oral Histories and artifacts pertaining to the Bracero program, a guest worker initiative, 1942-1964.
The Documented Border
"An interdisciplinary effort whose goal is to advance understanding and awareness about the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and its peoples." includes oral histories of journalists from both sides of the border who cover northern Mexico, and human rights activists and academics who are working to improve freedom of expression in Mexico.
Hispanic Communities Documentation Project
"Over fifty interviews were conducted to document the experiences of Brooklyn residents who arrived from Puerto Rico, Panama, Ecuador, and several other Central and South American nations in the latter half of the twentieth century. This collection includes recordings and transcripts of interviews conducted between 1988 and 1989."
Chicana and Chicano Studies: Oral History
UCLA collection of the post-World War II Chicana and Chicano experience.
UCLA Library Center for Oral History Research
Includes interviews pertaining to Central Americans in Southern California; the Chicano Movement; and Latina and Latino History.
Latino Oral History Collection
Collection compiled by the New Jersey Hispanic Resource and Information Center (NJHRIC) at the Newark Public Library. The 21 digitized interviews are all related to Newark.
Latino Oral History: Justice
Ten oral history excerpts focused on the theme of justice, as expressed through the life experiences from prominent Latinos who have focused their efforts in the state of New Jersey, many of them in Newark.
Luis J. Botifoll Oral History Project
"Videos, outlines, and selected transcripts of oral history interviews conducted principally with members of the first generations of Cubans to leave the island after the Cuban Revolution."
Puerto Rico and the American Dream