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Finding Archival Collections and Primary Documents

Finding Films

In most cases, feature films to which Rutgers users currently have access will be found in QuickSearch
To search for a specific title,
  • Select "Advanced Search" (to the right of the basic search box).
  • Use the pull-down menu to change the first "Any Field" to "Title"
  • Use the pull-down menu to change the first "Contains" to "Exact"
  • Enter your title
  • Use the pull-down menu to change the "Resource Type" to "Video/Film"

Radio, Television, and Film

Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text
Includes Variety film reviews from 1914 to the present as well as more than 36,000 images from the MPTV Image Archive.   Rutgers-restricted Access
Paley Center for Media Database
The Paley Center (New York City) houses a media collection of nearly 150,000 television and radio programs and advertisements. The database includes synopsis of programs. The Edward John Noble Scholars Room has carrels equipped with an audio/visual monitor for viewing and listening to the Paley Center's collection of programs and computers that access the library's database. Use of the Scholars Room is available to students and others affiliated with educational organizations at a rate of $15 per day; The Scholar's Room is open: Wednesdays to Sundays 12:00 to 6:00 pm, and 12:00 to 8:00 pm on Thursdays.
American History in Video
Digitized documentaries, newsreel films, and archival footage.   Rutgers-restricted Access

Finding Early Film Reviews

Film Review Index. 2 vols
Patricia King Hanson & Stephen L. Hanson, editors. Phoenix, Ariz., Oryx Press, 1986-
One of the best sources for finding early film reviews, the Film Review Index cites reviews to over 7000 feature films released between 1914 and 1985. Vol. 1: 1882-1949; Vol. 2: 1950-1985. In addition to popular magazines, the index also lists reviews in trade publications, newspapers, anthologies, and selected books. Available?
Once you have the list of sources in which a specific film was reviewed, you will need to go to QuickSearch to find out if that source is available at Rutgers.
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature Retrospective. 1900- .
Index to the major general interest and popular periodicals from the late 19th century to 1982. An excellent source for finding film reviews.