PsycINFO is the major database for psychology. Because the study of psychology includes material from a wide variety of research areas, articles dealing with topics in psychology can be found in most indexes. All indexes and and databases may also be accessed from library homepage by clicking on "Databases" in the list of resources. You will see subject and alphabetical lists of all of our databases, or you can click ion any of the psychology-related indexes/databases here:
Web of Science
Online version of Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index combined. Retrospective online back to 1984.
For source information for back years, you must use SCI at LSM Ref. Z7401.S365 or at SMITH Storage (shelved by title) and SSCI at ALEX, DANA and ANNEX Ref.Z161.S65.
Use Web of Science's "Cited reference search," and start with an author search when seeking citation metrics for an article or an author.
Also, use Google Scholar (from the RUL database list for best results), and the limited results from APA PsycInfo.
Also valuable for citation searching in behavioral sciences is Elsevier's database, Scopus, found on our databases list. Scopus is a valuable index for citation searching in behavioral sciences.
For information on journal ranking, core lists, or other issues of citation analysis or metrics in psychology, please contact the Science Librarians Team.
Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
The source to use for journal "impact factor;" (also known as JIF) not as strong for psychology areas as for other areas of science. JCR is to evaluate journals, not individuals or articles.
Find these indexes on the alphabetical list of databases. Go to the front of the library homepage, see the search box and the blue link to "View all databases."
In order to access Rutgers subscriptions through Google Scholar, searchers should access Google Scholar by logging in (if off campus) and finding the index on our alphabetical list of Databases (see "Databases" on our Libraries homepage). Logging in an accessing Google Scholar as one of the Rutgers databases allows Rutgers subscribed materials to rise to the top of the search results and show more obvious linking to full text options.
Medline is only a part of the PubMed database. RUL has access to Medline through other vendors (while listing PubMed on our indexes and databases list) because the enhanced search capability provided. Currently, linking to full text of articles directly through PubMed often is not available. Please look up journal titles in Quicksearch (either in the main search, or in the advanced search under "Journals."
Please see the ProQuest index "Dissertations and Theses" in the Databases section..This index covers U.S dissertation literature from 1861 to the present. All Rutgers dissertations from 1997 to the present are available free in full text from this index.
Rutgers dissertations can also be found by searching RUCore from the libraries' homepage. Many RU dissertations are available as part of our Electronic Dissertations and Theses (ETDs) collection.
Historically, the libraries collected print copies of dissertations, and they are held in the library that covers the subject area. Check Quicksearch (the library catalog) under author or title when searching for older dissertations. These materials do circulate and may be borrowed.
WorldCat is a large database where almost any book or journal can be identified and located in libraries around the world. Useful for seeing how many libraries hold a particular book.. Use WoldCat to find books by subject, author, title, etc. A subject search of WorldCat can identify a corpus of book literature on that topic. WorldCat could be considered the "world's library catalog" and has very robust search capability for finding books especially. Also used to verify and locate journal titles in libraries throughout the world. See how many books worldwide have your book in their collections as an informal measure of a book's reach in the world.
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