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Business Databases: Quick Guide

Rutgers Online Resources

Strategic Transactions: Pharma Intelligence (formerly FDC Reports) newsletters (Pink Sheet, Gray Sheet, Tan Sheet, Rose Sheet) cover U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations, corporate news, mergers and acquisitions, product development, patent information, and statistical data (i.e. sales, market share, etc.) for the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries. (Rutgers-restricted access)

HealthSTAR contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery. The following topics are included: evaluation of patient outcomes; effectiveness of procedures, programs, products, services and processes; administration and planning of health facilities, services and manpower; health insurance; health policy; health services research; health economics and financial management; laws and regulation; personnel administration; quality assurance; licensure; and accreditation. (Rutgers-restricted access)

The International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) database is the primary source for drug information. It comprehensive information for drug therapy, toxicity, and pharmacy practice as well as legislation, regulation, technology, utilization, biopharmaceutics, information processing, education, economics, and ethics as related to pharmaceutical science and practice. A unique feature of the abstracts included for clinical studies is the inclusion of the study design, number of patients, dosage, dosage forms and dosage schedule. (Rutgers-restricted access)

Rutgers Guide

More resources may be found on the Pharmaceutical Management guide prepared by Roberta Tipton.