Use these periodical indexes to find articles published in newspapers:
Access World News for New Jersey newspapers (or papers from other states or from specific countries) (Rutgers-restricted access)
Factiva includes the Wall Street Journal from 1984 to the present and the New York Times from 1980 to the present (also has company profiles) (Rutgers-restricted access)
Regional Business News includes NJBiz and Crain's New York Business, along with business news magazines, newspapers and newswires from major U.S. metropolitan areas. (Rutgers-restricted access)
Westlaw access to full text of newspapers including the Boston Globe and the Atlanta Journal and Constitution (also has reports from Hoover's) (Rutgers-restricted access)
The Wall Street Journal (Current) (Rutgers-restricted access)
The Wall Street Journal (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) from 1889 to 17 years ago (Rutgers-restricted access)