The Global Financial Database is the most complete collection of historical and current financial and economic data available in the world. Covering more than 150 different countries, it provides over 30,000 different data series that you can immediately download directly from the web site. Most series can also be viewed in graph format at the web site. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary provides direct access to the IMF’s major data and statistical tools such as International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payment Statistics (BOP), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), and Government Finance Statistics (GFS). (Rutgers-restricted access)
OECD iLibrary parallels the print output of the OECD, an international governmental organization whose publications and statistical output represent the roughly 30-member nation states which share a commitment to democratic government and the market economy. Its materials focus on economic and social issues from macroeconomics, to trade, investment, education, ageing society, communication and information technologies, energy, development, and science and innovation. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
The Data-Planet Statistical Datasets provide fast and easy access to data from more than 70 organizational sources, with over 35 billion data points from 4.9 billion datasets available. All of the data have been standardized and structured, and are described with up to 37 fields of metadata, including a controlled vocabulary. Coverage includes US Federal, US State, International, and nonprofit organizational sources.(Rutgers-restricted Access)
UNdata is a multi-disciplinary source providing official statistics produced by countries and compiled by the United Nations data system. Areas of coverage are: agriculture, employment, education, energy, environment, health, human development, industry, information and communication technology, national accounts, population, refugees, trade and tourism.
World Databank, incorporating World Development Indicators and Global Development Finance, is a complete and authoritative collection of statistics on countries, regions, and economic groupings of the world, as collected (primarily from from national statistical organizations) and presented by the World Bank. Data series include extensive economic, demographic, social, environmental, educational, and cultural indicators.
More resources may be found on the guides to Economic Indicators, Economics, and International Trade and Socioeconomic Statistics.