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A guide to research and curriculum resources in the field of education.

Federal Government  U.S. Department of Education

Features the Obama Adminstration's blueprint for revising the No Child Left Behind Act and NCLB policy documents on accountability and assessment. Includes state related data and resources.

IES National Center of Education Statistics National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Assessments are conducted periodically in mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, and U.S. history.  NAEP provides results on subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students and groups within those populations.  The reports results of these assessments are available in The Nation's Report Card.

National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, & Student Testing (CRESST)

Located in the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, this center “has long contributed to the development of scientifically based evaluation and testing techniques, vigorously encouraged the development, validation and use of sound data for improved accountability and decision making, and aggressively explored technological applications to improve assessment and evaluation practice”. Includes reports, policy briefs, monographs, newsletters, resource papers, and many other resources.  This is an excellent source for research and information on assessment and testing.  

The Thomas Fordham Foundation

This nonprofit organization is an advocacy group working for higher standards, school choices, and a core curriculum.  Conducts research and analyses and provides resources on Testing & Accountability and on No Child Left Behind.

State Government

CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officials)

Provides information  and resources on state standards, assessments, and accountability programs.  U.S. Department of Education

Features the Obama Adminstration's blueprint for revising the No Child Left Behind Act and NCLB policy documents on accountability and assessment. Includes state related data and resources.

New Jersey Department of Education

Providies a section on assessment, Quality Single Accountability Continuum, and NCLB accountability plans, strategies, and performance reports.


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