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Environmental Inequality in Postwar America

New Jersey Resources

New Jersey Environmental Digital Library (NJEDL)
Literature and multimedia relating to the New Jersey environment. The collection includes documents and reports, scientific studies, photographs, videos, maps, and more.
EPA Region 2
Region 2 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency includes New York and New Jersey as well as Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and eight tribal nations. The Lower Passaic River Restoration Project has been identified as a key issue by Region 2.
Ironbound Environmental Justice History and Resource Center
A project of the Ironbound Community Corporation of Newark, the IEJHRC is housed at the Van Buren Branch of the Newark Public Library (140 Van Buren Street) and is open to the public.
New Jersey State Publications Digital Library: Department of Environmental Protection
New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute: Legislative Links
Links to relevant New Jersey, Federal, and International agencies.
Highlands Act: Sierra Club Annual Report Card
13th Report Card
2013 Report Card
2012 Report Card
2011 Report Card
Working in Paterson: Occupational Heritage in an Urban Setting
"470 interview excerpts and 3882 photographs from the Working in Paterson Folklife Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. The four-month study of occupational culture in Paterson, New Jersey, was conducted in 1994."
MERI Library Research Guide 3: History of the Meadowlands
List of publications and online resources containing information on or related to the history of the New Jersey Meadowlands. Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute. Revised 2009.
The Hackensack Meadowlands in the Imagery: History of a Deep Social and Environmental Transformation
March, 2013.
Garbage Governmentalities and Environmental Justice In New Jersey
Raysa Martinez Kruger. (Ph.D. Thesis) Rutgers University, May 2017.
"Using the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark and Essex County as a case study area, this dissertation examines how conditions of environmental injustice in the Ironbound are produced and perpetuated by the collective enactment of our governmental approaches to the problem of increasing garbage production in New Jersey since the 1870s."

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